Windows 10 is now a recommended download in Windows UpdateWindows 10 is offered as a free upgrade to users of Windows 7 and 8.1 and to make sure that everyone is aware of that, Microsoft is making a big change in the way the new software is shipped to these systems.
Starting today, Windows 10 is pushed as a recommended download in Windows Update, so it is enabled by default to download all necessary files.
A Microsoft spokesperson told us that this new change is supposed to make the upgrade experience easier for those who are eligible for the free Windows 10 offer.
“As we shared in late October on the Windows Blog, we are committed to making it easy for our Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 customers to upgrade to Windows 10. We updated the upgrade experience today to help our customers, who previously reserved their upgrade, schedule a time for their upgrade to take place,” he said in a mailed statement.
This will obviously upset the W7/8.1 aficionados along with the anti W10 brigade.
This brings to mind the oft quoted "Intelligence is measured by ones ability to adapt to change"
Looks like GWX control Panel would be getting loads of users now
I still don't really agree with this
The files/upgrading should only be downloaded if people say they want to upgrade, not pushed out as an auto download
I think that people should get the option one time and then they should be able to totally opt out.
/Waiting for the MS hate to begin..
I agree there should be a permanent opt-out option, but I don't think it's MS haters after all they already use Windows 7/8.1 and love the product, I think people are tired of constantly having to reject something that someone else wants them to do.' after having paid for a particular product and wanting to keep the product they love.
Ability to adapt does not make the change good in of itself, nor does it mean you should accept it.
It was a bit of sarcasm.. didn't work out like I hoped it would.
And I would really think that an opt out would be the best way to have gone. I fully understand why MS wants to move users over to 10 but why be so pushy. If the product is that good it should sell itself.
Yeah, I like Win 10 but don't wish to upgrade any of my present machines to run it. I plan to run Win 10 on any future machines I buy/build but I don't understand why MS is so adamant that I upgrade my current machines. BACK OFF MS!
I don't understand why there isn't a class action lawsuit against MS over this