This is getting crazy. Having migrated from Windows 7 to Windows 10, I now find that I cannot search for files. I select "This PC", type "bpextract.dat" in the search box, press enter and nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
That is the way that I do it with Windows 10. Alternately you can just press the Windows button on your keyboard and start typing your file name. Either way works perfectly with Windows 10.
Hmmm... I'm getting a bit fed up with all these responses saying "works perfectly with Windows 10". See
I'll withhold judgement until Microsoft UK's support has had a chance to fix some of the plethora of problems that beset me after migrating to Windows 10.
Going back to Windows 7, and staying there until I'm in my grave is looking very tempting at the moment.
I've always used very powerful, ok in W10
But did you even try it? If you did, what happened?
first I set the taskbar search to show search icon[right click on the taskbar to do that] then when I search it says search the web next to the file name I put in ,but there is a my stuff icon near the bottom I click that it finds the file ,the same file that when I went to thispc ,and searched it found nothing
I second Agent Ransack! My go to program and its super quick!
I prefer Everything Search for finding files by almost any piece of the name or ext.
AgentRansack if I have to search in files for something.
I tried that, and it found my files "bpextract.dat". So, just for the fun of it, I searched "This PC" as well, and that also found the files. It did, however, take about two minutes before any results appeared.
Yesterday, it wasn't switching from the "This PC" view to the (initially) blank search results. Today, it does.
I think that the windows search function is similar to office photocopiers... they have a chip inside that detects stress. When stress is detected, they activate the "jam paper" function.
Yesterday, the Windows search could detect that I was verystressed (something had just changed my password, and I was facing the loss of all my EFS encrypted files) so it decided to play up.
Try both of the softwares mentioned you may get a faster result. You can always uninstall 'em. But first thing, do a back up somewhere external if possible, saves a lot of tears.