i have installed win10 on c:, an ssd.
i have a previous install of win10 & win7 on f:
funny startup behaviour - indicating two identical users lower left screen on startup [both me ;-)]
and inability to remove startup makes me think win10 on c: actually 'sees' remnants of itself on f: - it keeps asking for a code although i tried to disable it.
on f: i have folders 'windows' and windows.old', the last mentioned most probably my old win7
do you guys/gals think i can remove [force remove] win remnants on f: or what should i do?
kind regards
in Christ
Reads like you did an Upgrade of Win7 to Win10 -- and that is now on F:. Also, that you did a clean install of Win10 -- and that is now on C:.
If the Upgrade version of Win10 activated OK, the clean-install should activate OK -- but you might have to remove the physical drive that the Upgrade version is on to get it to activate. Once that is done, unless you plan to migrate stuff from the Old Win10 to the New Win10, there is no reason to keep the old one around, so I would just reformat that drive and use it for data storage.
If I were to perform a Clean install of Windows Ten and then moved my current upgraded one from 7 to it, it would not do me any good would it?
A clean install erases everything that was there before, so you start out with a "clean slate" -- but, if Win10 was on the machine previously, this gets you an Activated version.
If you "move" another instance of Win10 to the same partition, all you will do is overwrite the clean-install with the other instance. That will eliminate the gains made by doing a clean install.
you're dead on mark,
1st i did an upgrade from win7 on f: [the old c:], i then got into problems, bought an ssd, installed win10 [clean] on it with all other drives unplugged and it worked fine until i connected the old c:, now f: again. since then i also get the option to boot with a repaired or whatever win7, which i know is totally caput. i'll just siphon all important stuff from f: and reformat. unless someone comes up with a better idea in the next couple of minutes. once again thanks.
That is what I thought. I have way too many programs to re install and my system is running quite good now. I have been going through it and removing stuff that I know if leftover from 7. Thanks Mark