Didn't see a thread thus far, but I'm liking the new calender, it's fresh. I should note that this picture shows an alternate of when you click the date/time in the corner, not a stand alone app or anything.
Head to Regedit and Go to:
Right click and select New – > DWORD (32-bit) and call it UseWin32TrayClockExperience with no spaces and exit
always like trying different things ,thanks it a change from the old style ,no additional clocks though..,i like it
No problem, definitly fits the "Modern" theme. I'd image additional clocks will be added, as you have to hack it just to access it as of now
If you have to hack the registry to change the calender, how would anyone know it`s there ?
I think the original is fine
LOL yeah I suppose that's true. I thought this was released on ghacks or a similar site the day after the new build came out, so I figured some here may have already played with it
sure the original was fine ,but so was win7,and here we are ,having a
I like them both. I think the new calender is what MS would consider revamped for the new era, but I do like the old clock interface as well. I'll have to see what it looks like when I fully customize my desktop and taskbar.
I have never used a calendar or clock on my computers. The clock and date is in the notification area if I need it. I don't like clutter on my desktop.
It`s not on the desktop, he just changed the default clock.
You still have to click on the time in the notification area.
Same as this?