Hey Guys,
i have a lenovo e425 laptop that recently received the windows 10 upgrade from microsoft. i am currently running windows 8.1 Pro and when i started the upgrade to windows 10, everytime it reaches the 30% part where it finishes the copying files part, and it restarts, my computer shuts down completely like *poof*
When I put my computer back on, and it says attempting to recover installation, it shuts down AGAIN like *poof* Then when I restart it again, it just goes back to "restoring previous windows" and it restarts then my computer shuts off again like *poof* Then when i put it back on, it comes on normally, and says failed to install windows 10.
Help Anyone!
Thank You
Hey Josiah, sorry I can't help, but I signed up to say the same thing is happening to me.
Computer shut off this morning during update and then repeatedly while trying to reboot - I don't know if it's going to be able to restore to a working version of 8.1.
This is like the 6th time I've tried to update now. Previously I was getting the error 3000D when it restored Windows 8.1. I have HP DV6 1329tx laptop.
One thing I'm going to try tonight is taking out the battery and trying to keep the laptop cool - very unlikely, but I wonder if there's something particular about the update process that's making it overheat and shut off?
Anyone else with suggestions, please help us!
How old is the laptop and how clean is it inside?
I'll bet a pound to a penny that the CPU is shutting itself off because it's too hot.
Yes you're probably right teachermark. Mine is a good 5 years or so old and has accumulated a fair bit of debris.
It is strange that day to day use never causes a problem, only the upgrade process triggers the shut down - but there you go.
I'll focus on cleaning, airflow and report back.
You might try running this app and studying your CPU temperatures.
Look at the tiny red thermometers for the temperature readings.
Try playing a graphics intensive game for a few minutes and see how the temperature rises.
If the temperatures are normal then fine.
At least this way you can eliminate this as the cause of your upgrade failures.
i dont believe its the heat, i have a laptop btw, why would the upgrade shut off my PC at the SAME EXACT spot during the upgrade EVERYTIME
Then again it could be the heat because my laptop is about 4-5 years old as well....so idk...and yeah the PC does get pretty hot...does the taking out the battery thing work?
I'm having the same problem and my laptop is pretty new. Every time it gets to about 30% it shuts down. About when the file copy completes. I have tried several times and don't know what to do next.
I'm having the same problem with my Toshiba Satellite laptop. At the point that 10 is installing and tells me to relax my laptop shuts down. When I start it back I receive the message that my previous operating system is being restored. I quit trying to load 10 after the 3rd time that happened.
Same problem here. I suspected it was an overheating problem because the fan in my laptop seems to be kicked up a notch as soon as it hits around 25%. After the 3rd try I just decided to quit the upgrade all together and wait for a solution.
Guys u all basically stated down my EXACT problems right there.
I really NEED a Solution