Hi All,
I've seen some post's in here concerning user's and their desire to try out windows 10 technical preview on a variety of different device's. I'm in that same group..of course I'm using the tech. preview (build 10049) on the my main laptop in a dual boot setup with a separate partition that has windows 10 tech. preview installed on it. But I want more..I really desire to get the preview installed on my ASUS T100TA : Notebooks & Ultrabooks | ASUS Transformer Book T100TA | ASUS USA , in addition to the 64 gb emmc drive that's built in, I also have a separate 64 gb micro sd card inserted into my T100TA. I really would like somehow to get this accomplished, I'm just trying to find a simple method of doing so.
The built-in 64GB storage should be enough if your intention is to replace the existing OS which I will not encourage you to do . Just wait for the final release and do an upgrade.
I also have T100TA. But I am leaving it alone. It's just me bedtime PC.
Hi badrobot,
I've not talked to a robot lately..ha ha, I'm just the type of guy that loves trying out / pushing thing's to their limits..except my wife of course.
I understand but it's not gonna be worth all the trouble. Running an OS on micro-SD may not be the best idea. You will probably just get errors or BSODs due to slow read and write speeds IFyou can even boot from it.
Hi badrobot,
How about trying to create a new partition on my built in emmc drive and installing the tech. preview there ?
If you have space why not. At least 25GB Partition for Win 10.
Forget the MicroSD. It would run like molasses if at all. I have a Transformer myself and run virtual systems from an external SSD. That runs pretty good due to the USB3 port.
Just geta cheap 60GB SSD and aUSB3 enclosure and then install it like this.
I'll just wait until the final release of windows 10, hopefully by then most of the 'bugs' that we are dealing with in the tech. preview will have been fixed.
If it's officially released then you have to pay for a copy. Unless you are willing to give up your 8.1 and upgrade it to 10 for free.
What happened to " I'm just the type of guy that loves trying out / pushing thing's to their limits."?
Dear badrobot,
You are right, I really think I'm giving up too easy on this...the good thing is I was smart enough when I purchased my T100TA to buy the 64 GB version. I guess I had the thought in my mind that in the future I would need the additional space for SOMETHING. Now if I just had a SSD like you already mentioned, I'd be set !