
Prefered DNS Resetting

Ok so recently bought I wireless card for my pc and I re-setup my static IP which I need for port forwarding, This worked fine for a while until I started getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN errors on my browser, So I check my DNS and my Prefered and alternate DNS Boxes are empty, so I type in and and leave, I still get the same error so I go back and the boxes are empty again, this happens every time so people can't join my server and I can't use the internet. So I have to use a dynamic IP, which won't let people join either. Anyone know how to fix the DNS problem?

Are you setting the DNS servers in the device or in the router?

If you have the DNS server address in the router, (or the server if this is used for routing), then leaving the device entry blank should default to the Router/Server address

I have actually pointed devices to the local router which is itself pointed at the actual DNS server, where the device has to have an entry, so that I only have to update one location should I need to alter the server address in use

Try using NetSetMan, it should be able to lock the current profile.

I'm setting the DNS servers on my device because I'm trying to host a game server, and I tried using NetSetMan and the DNS still changed.

Try to temporarily disable your security software. It might be trying to prevent changes for security reasons.

But as Barman58 stated, when you setup DNS servers in your router, it will automatically use router's DNS.

One more thing, try to disable DNS Client service, but if it switches back to automatic, you will have to enable it.

To disable, run CMD as admin and copy/paste:
sc config Dnscache start= disabled
net stop Dnscache /y

To enable, run CMD as admin and copy/paste:
sc config Dnscache start= auto
net start Dnscache

I tried disabling DNS client and the only difference it made was that the DNS would stay for about 20 seconds and then disappear, this is with avast disabled. Also when I enabled DNS client I get this message: "The requested service has already been started" Does this have something to do with it?

Ok so I did some more testing and It seems that if I disable DNS Client service, It works fine but then the DNS client enables itself and it stops working again. Why does this happen? The system also states sometimes that the service has already been enabled when I try to enable it even though it is disabled and that it is already disabled when I try to disable it even though it has just been enabled.

Ok so I did some more testing and It seems that if I disable DNS Client service, It works fine but then the DNS client enables itself and it stops working again. Why does this happen? The system also states sometimes that the service has already been enabled when I try to enable it even though it is disabled and that it is already disabled when I try to disable it even though it has just been enabled.
It seems, that whatever is changing DNS is also starting the service, even when it is disabled.
I have never seen Windows do this, to this service anyway, so it has to be some other software.

You said, you have tried disabling Avast, but I guess, you have only disabled virus protection?
It has tons of modules, even free version, which could do this, like Home Network Security.
Disable all its modules or uninstall it temporarily to exclude it as a cause for good.

Prefered DNS Resetting