I have the Windows 10 upgrade queued up and ready to install on my Windows 7 machine, but I'm nervous to do so for fear that I'll lose all my storage folders, contacts, and emails that are currently in my Windows Live Mail (I have two separate accounts configured). Will Windows Live Mail be available to me and function as it does today after I run the upgrade? Or will it disappear and I'll lose everything? Is there a not-too-complicated way to transfer it all over to something new if WLM is not available? I've looked through threads and can't find the answer I'm looking for, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks for the assist!
I was concerned about the same thing and made a full system image in case I lost the Mail data. But having now completed Win 7 to Win 10, on my PC at least it has retained every last nut and bolt that had on Win 7. All the Mail accounts, folders created within etc. Also progs in folders not part of the Progs folders. All icons on desktop etc. I don't use the address book but hopefully it would retain that as well.
That is key to doing an upgrade. I would never do an upgrade without a full image backup.I was concerned about the same thing and made a full system image in case I lost the Mail data.
Thanks for the help. At the risk of sounding like a Luddite, what is the best way to accomplish a full image backup? I am somewhat computer literate but usually leave things like that to the pros.
Buy an external USB 3.0 Hard Drive ($50 to$60 on Amazon Prime).
Use Macrium Reflect Free to create the backup image.
Good tutorial here on how to use Macrium: Imaging with free Macrium
Written for Windows 7 but applies to Windows 8.1 too.
I just bought a 8GB 3.0 Kingston DataTraveler, brand new in the package thumb drive for $4.75 and that included FREE shipping, on eBay that Im going to use for that very purpose.
Not going to fit on a 8G B flash drive. You really need an external USB 3.0 hard drive.
Right now you can purchase a flash as large as your SSD drive. But the cheap way out is to use Sata hard drive min. 500 Gb. I like to use adapter which I can attach to hard drive and USB port (I need to update by adapter because of updated hardware to USB 3.) also included in the adapter is power supply for the drive(brick with 5/12 volts). Cost about $15 to $20 thru Ebay or Amazon, works great as DVD player for laptop without a DVD player.