I upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10 last night and the boot time has gotten significantly slower. I have an Samsung 840 Pro SSD and with windows 7 the welcome screen would only flash up for a second then I would be logged in. With Windows 10 it hangs for around 8-10 seconds. I've removed every startup program except for the nvidia display driver (which I had startup in win 7 too) and made sure no extra services were starting up along with the task scheduler. I then went through the event viewer to see if anything was coming up and I'm only getting this error.
Event ID: 7001
Service Control Manager
The Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service depends on the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service service which failed to start because of the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
* I was able to fix the Event ID: 7001 by following these directions
I started up "services.msc" and in that console "Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service" was disabled. I changed this startup type to "Automatic" and it solved the problem after a reboot.
After I fixed the Event ID7001 and shut off the computer and then started it up again it booted even faster than with Windows 7 at around 7 seconds. For anyone who's having slow boot times check the Windows Event Viewer / Task Scheduler for potential issues. There still is a large discrepancy between the startup time from when my computer is off 7 seconds to rebooting around 20 seconds.
Good find. Thanks
See my post: Error 7001 in Event Viewer
You do not want "Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service" enabled, it should be disabled. (default).
You can set Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service to manual, (from Auto and not running), then the error disappears too. Reboot.
MS has set these services for users who upgrade only, they are related to Windows Activation Process, if you do a clean install there is only the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service set to disabled and Net.pipe service set to auto and running by default.
Alternatively, go to Control Panel, open Optional Features, and under .NET 4.6 expand and under WCF (expanded), uncheck the entry related to Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service, then click OK, Event id 7001 is solved too. Reboot.
Appreciate the input. I had set it as automatic, but was getting a shutdown delay error, will try manual.