Is it possible to unlock a Windows 10 Pro installer to allow installation of both home and pro versions? I remember doing this with Windows 7 Ultimate installers, but haven't found anything for 10.
Our Commander posted this,
How to make 4 in 1 installation USB?
To be honest, I have not tried it yet. I have two separate Home and Pro with both 32 and 64 bit USB.
Everything else I have tried, other than combining the Home/Pro combination ISO's with the 32/64bit combination ISO gives me a "missing media driver" error when I run setup. So, I have only been able to make the 4 in 1 USB - Windows 10 Home/Pro 32/64bit. I have added ISOs of Macrium Reflect Free rescue disk and MiniTool Partition Wizard to the same USB using EasyBCD, so I guess I have a 6 in 1, but only 4 flavors of Windows 10 install.
If you download the ISO from here, it contains both Home and Pro of 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on what you downloaded. Then during clean install you can skip entering a key. You will be asked to choose version, Home or Pro and proceed. Is that what you want? All you need is two ISO per language. One for 32-bit Home/Pro and one for 64-bit Home/Pro so you can install Windows 10 at every system. The same ISO allows for a clean install or upgrade from previous Windows versions. If your language is not English, then in worst case you need 4 ISO, two for English (if you want it) and two for your language. Every version supports adding a Language Pack later, so you could only use the ISO at your language, but you won't be able to upgrade English Windows 7 or 8 to 10, you'll need the English language for that. I have all 4 ISO (two English, two Greek) to be on the safe side.
No you cannot use this ISO to upgrade Windows 8 home to Pro directly, this is not supported. But you could backup all data and do a clean install without entering a key. This will allow you to choose the Pro version.
and it won't activate unless an upgrade is done from 7/8/8.1 Pro to 10 Pro - or a purchased product key is entered.
Doesn't that depend on whether or not the machine is known in MS database?
Or maybe I misread you guys somewhere.....
Yes, if your previous Windows version is 8.1 Pro, then it will be upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. Next time you need to reinstall Windows 10, you may skip key and go for Pro it will activate. If your previous version is Windows 8.1 core, then it will be updated to Windows 10 Home. Next time you can skip key and select home. If you select Pro, you won't be able to activate automatically. You'll have to enter a valid Pro key. This means you must buy that key to be legit. I am not sure if you can do it from Windows Store, otherwise you must visit your local computer store.
So it is possible to skip key and install Pro from the same ISO but then you won't be able to activate unless you have a valid Pro key.
It is also possible to have the ds,r computer with an activation entitlement on the MS servers for more than one version. My laptop initially had Windows 8.1 Pro - upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. Then as an experiment, I installed Windows 7 Home and upgraded to Windows 10 Home. I have since been able to activate both versions of Windows 10 now.