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When I go to the update screen it tells me that my "insider preview build settings" need attention. (1st image below)
Actually, I am notpart of that Windows 10 insider program and when I go to the insider program settings, that is in fact the case. (image below)How do I fix this mixup?
Also noticed that the update download (image 1) remains stuck at 0%and update history says none. But this is the installed anniversary update.
I am also curious [but won't take your Login name] about the updates. I'm seeing what could be a lot of confusion as to whether the Insider Preview version is actually an update to the RTM 1511 to bring it up to 1607. I'm just waiting for it to settle down, just too much iffy when having two versions available at the same time. It's also possible for a post to contain a link to the Insider Preview that any user on 1511/RTM can get. As far as I've seen on my Insider Preview computer since the beginning is it is still only a test version and it may not be convertible to an RTM version.
Notice how your "Get Started" and "Link to a Microsoft Account" buttons are greyed out. This typically means you have turned off telemetry somehow, and when telementry is not on "full" you can't enter (or stay in) the program.
Were you, at one time, a member of the Insider program?
Telemetry is turned off, but I was never a member of the insider program. I'm too much of a W10 newbie to want to deal with that. But W10 obviously thinks I am.
Is there a registry setting I can change to reflect that I am not part of the insider program?
Delete every entry except for the first one.
Stay away from the Windows Insider Program menu in Settings. As soon as you navigate to that menu, the error message appears again.
Thank you. I will try it. (After backing up the registry).
Just to be more specific, which key do I keep undeleted.
im not at my computer right now... but it was the first one in the list... i think it was default
Here's screenshots of before and after...
Thank you so-o-o much. Very kind of you to take the time and trouble.
May I ask how you figured it out?