Hello all,
I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to network security and so I ask for your help.
I have recently bought a new computer and made sure when connecting to my WiFi to connect to a public network and ensure that network discovery is turned off. All the file sharing options are turned off as well.
The reason is I suspect someone in my home with physical or remote access to the computers which are connected to the same WiFi, would use this to remotely connect to my computer. They have done so in the past.
I also made sure my administration account is vivisble and password protected as well.
Today when I turned on my computer the WiFi connections that were normally available were not there and so I used the trouble shooter which seemed to reset my network adapters. After this I noticed that network discovery was turned on. It may have well been on before that but this is when I noticed it.
My question is could this have been the reason that network discovery turned on ? Is there any way (by Windows update for example) that network discovery could automatically turn on ? Please let me know.. I suspect that someone has already remotely connected to my pc.
Thanks very much
My main question would be is it possible for network discovery to turn on automatically under any circumstances??
Not one person can help out?
Your Wifi at HOME , ie connected to your OWN Router is a PRIVATE Network . and usually Discovery is ON so you can see other computers in the household and share media etc like music if desired , it's likely the Troubleshooter change the Network Type to Private , if not you should do it...here is a Tut :
Network Location - Set to Private or Public in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
I am assuming your Router is using WPA2 for security and you use a password for Wifi already...
Wifi at a Coffee Shop/school or similar are considered PUBLIC networks
Thanks a lot. Very useful post.
Is there anyway though for network location to change from public to private or for network diacovery to turn on without user permission ??(this is considering that it has initially been turned off)
Network discovery is ON by default on Private Networks for the reasons above, on Public Networks it is Off by Default.
Windows "guesses" what you are connected to the 1st time you connect to a particular network and makes a guess if it should be Private or Public , in Win7 etc , it used to ask on 1st connection and let you choose, but I don't remember that on Win10.
IF you Ran a Network Troubleshooter , it may have changed it for security reasons to what it thought "safer" at that time.
If you are worried about someone on your Wifi , set your Wifi to accept connections from Known Computers only. This will stop most intruders , eg like the neighbor's bored teenager..... This is done with the MAC Number via Reserved IP Address Filtering for the LAN.
If you have a Notebook , the MAC number is often on the sticker on the bottom or in the Battery Compartment.
This is how I do it on my Router a TP LINK................. your manufacturer should have similar Tutorials/FAQ's.
How to configure Wireless MAC address filter on wireless router? - TP-Link
How to configure MAC Filtering on TP-Link Router - TP-Link