I am sure lots of people have already mentioned this but I am presuming there is a very simple fix. If I delete or move items in win 10 they stay visible in the folder until I refresh.
Could someone say what the fix is for this?
It was a minor issue to start with but it is now interfering with fast operation of using the OS. If you see stuff in a folder then you presume it is there! Trying to delete things that do not exist is becoming a recurring theme now.
Hi, presumably you mean when open a folder in explorer, for example?
That's not my experience, except if I use the search box, search for sthg, then delete it. In that case the search results are no refreshed and the deleted item remains visible.
Can occur because of an invalid share, apparently.
If I have a folder window open in explorer and delete things or move them they often stay in the folder but are not really there. It is not to do with searching - it is a real bug. It never happened in win 7, ever. I have sometimes had to refresh the "Computer" screen for it to show the drive capacities: 173GB free etc. That is not a big deal though.
I have noticed that it is not consistent. It does it enough to be annoying - that much I know. I have not noted exactly at which point it does it. It is an SSD so I do not know if that has anything to do with it. I presumed win10 was SSD ready as opposed to windows 7 and 8.
Hi, SSD's are (usually) fine in Win 10. See my PC specs.
What you're describing is an old problem in that it's sthg that has been observed from at least XP.
Before trying anything, make sure you have an appropriate backup/ restore point.
(the registry fix may well still be applicable)
Sthg else you can try (or equivalent in Win 10):
Windows 7 Annoying Bug: Explorer doesnt refresh automatically when Create/delete/move any file/folder | Syed Jahanzaib Personal Blog to Share Knowledge !
while this comprehensive review is mostly workarounds:
What to do when Windows Explorer doesn't refresh - News - PC Advisor
Just for interest (?) there are some huge discussions on this problem:
Windows Explorer doesnt refresh when moving/deleting - Part 3
This is from Seven blog, but still good for Win10. I use it for my custom Recycle bin.
Recycle Bin - Fix For Custom Icons Not Refreshing - Windows 7 Help blog
@Cliff S - Hi- does that actually address the OP's original problem? Seems to be aimed at the recycle bin not refreshing..
Oh, I think I read it wrong, thanks.If I delete or move items in win 10 they stay visible in the folder until I refresh.
I was thinking about the icon not refreshing, his problem is thefolder windownot auto refreshing.
The solution for me to this was to go into File Explorer: File -> Change Folder and Search Options -> Search and then click the "Restore Defaults" button.
That immediately solved the issue for me where Windows 10 doesn't refresh after creating a new file or deleting a file.