

Hi everyone. I made a mistake and erased windows 10 for my laptop. I deleted my user account and I received an error message stating that the disc was locked. I restored a system image of window 8.1. I did have a system image of windows 10 but it did not work. How can I get window 10 back on my laptop? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thanks deanie44.

Hello deanie44,

I suggest you simply use to the Media Creation Tool to install W10 again. You can find it here:

Select the option to upgrade to W10 now

How did you do that? You couldn't delete your account if you were signed on as it.

You therefore must have deleted it from another account or from outside Windows. It is also interesting what you mean by you "deleted your account".

If you deleted the directory C:Usersdienie44 then you are out of luck. This will still reside in the registry and you are best of doing a clean install.

philc43 and Ix07 thank you for answering my post. I tried to change my user acct profile and went into the administrative acct. so I deleted my user acct thinking I could make another one. I could not. I closed out of the administrative account and and could not get to the original account (DEANIE57). It would not let me, so I had to use a system of image 8.1. If you have any more insights, please let me know. deanie44

philc43 and Ix07 thank you for answering my post. I tried to change my user acct profile and went into the administrative acct. so I deleted my user acct thinking I could make another one. I could not. I closed out of the administrative account and and could not get to the original account (DEANIE57). It would not let me, so I had to use a system of image 8.1. If you have any more insights, please let me know. deanie44

I would recommend if you have an account calleddeanie44then you leave it.

This account should (I hope) be an administrator account. Not the built in administrator, just an account that can adopt administrator privileges if required.

Upgrade to 10 again and NSA you will have your same account.

Worst case you can just clean install.

Hi everyone. I made a mistake and erased windows 10 for my laptop. I deleted my user account and I received an error message stating that the disc was locked. I restored a system image of window 8.1. I did have a system image of windows 10 but it did not work. How can I get window 10 back on my laptop? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thanks deanie44.
Try opening a command prompt with administration permissions and type the following "slmgr -rearm." Restart your computer and go to the settings folder. Click On Activate on the left hand side, then look for the option to change the product key on the right hand side. You should be able to register the Win 10 upgrade with your existing Win8 product key.

Try opening a command prompt with administration permissions and type the following "slmgr -rearm." Restart your computer and go to the settings folder. Click On Activate on the left hand side, then look for the option to change the product key on the right hand side. You should be able to register the Win 10 upgrade with your existing Win8 product key.
What are you on about? Your answer has nothing to do with the question and describing (badly) how to use third party tools to pirate Windows is hardly a good first post is it?

To Ix07, the server license manager is part of 32 bit, and it has a 64 bit version that comes with Windows. She stated that Win 10 did not work. Win 10 can actually loose activation for several reasons, for instance if you change hardware, keys don't match, drivers stop responding, adding hardware after image, that the older 8.1 might not be aware of, the list goes on.. Secondly, the option of manual or automatic activation can be held over in older version. I suspected that "didn't work was two fold in that regard, where automatic activation failed and blocked legitimate product key. Everything is above board. The command re-sets, and the process does not work if you don't have a valid key.

Just occurred to me. When you reimaged 8.1, did you remember to activate it? Win 10 blocks activation if the previous version has not been activated. Despite comments from Io7, I've been a hardware software engineer since 1979. My way, (too late since you reimaged), you would have gotten the warm fuzzy feeling when you see the screen prompt, YOUR FILES ARE RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT THEM when Win 10, spools up, if it ever happens again. Don't feel bad, I have made every mistake in the book. Good luck.
