I have Windows 7 Pro on a Dell 5420 laptop. I've tried the upgrade multiple times and it always gets to 84% and then the screen goes black/blank. It sits there for upwards of a couple hours. After that it reboots and says Restoring previous version of Windows and I end up back at Windows 7.
I don't know if there's any logs somewhere I could check to try to figure out what the problem is.
Do I have any options for upgrading this laptop if the update from 7 to 10 won't work? From what I've read I need to get the in place update to work in order to get a valid Win 10 key so I might be screwed...?
A few people who had this same problem used this trick and it worked for them.
Press Winkey+P. That normally brings up the Project slide-in:
Press the down arrow key 3 times then press Enter.
See if that brings up the Desktop. If it does then do an immediate Windows Update and see if you get a updated video diver.
Edit:Fixed typeo, 34 times should be 3 times, sorry.
I tried actually connecting external screens to see if anything would pop up but it didn't. I know I did Win+P and did some various left right because I forgot that it changed to up/down in 8/10. I'll give it another try tonight and cross my fingers.
One other thought. Maybe you are sitting at the logon screen or almost there so also try pressing the space bar then typing your password, see what happens.
I don't have a password required for this machine (or at least don't with Windows 7). But I'll try something like that too.
Just got mine to work. Not sure which it was but I freed up some more disk space and uninstalled Avast. I'm now running on Win10 just fine.
So here's my full write up in case it helps anyone else..
For anyone who is trying to update via Windows Update and hasn't been able to fix the problem and is also not getting any sort of error message, go download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and use that to upgrade instead.
Windows 10
When I used Windows Update it would not work but it never gave me any sort of error message or anything so I had no idea what the problem was. Once I used the Media Tool, it still failed but after it booted me back to Windows 7 it presented me with an error that led me to a solution.
My error is here:
Dropbox - 2015-08-05 20.33.11.jpg
0x8007002C - 0x4000D
The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation
My fix was to free up more space on my HDD and I also uninstalled Avast during the upgrade. I have a 400+ gig drive that had 50 gigs free. I freed up another 50. I don't know if that would have solved it by itself but I saw mention from others with this error to uninstall their AV program so I did that too. Once those were done the upgrade worked just fine.