
Upgrade and clean install failed from Windows 7 pro

Maybe someone can push me in the right direction to a fix ? Or should I buy a new computer?

Today I decided to accept Microsoft's invitation to download and upgrade my windows 7 pro, unfortunately, it didn't go so smoothly as I had hoped it would!

It downloaded ok and also installed, as far as I could tell, then it rebooted. That is when it sort of went ka-ka
It restarted with the 4 window "panes" and the revolving dots, then a pop up window said something like " Change resolution to 1920 x 1080 (which is already the default) and then the screen went black!
The pc was still on and so was the light on my optical mouse. I left it for 3 hours thinking that it was still doing something, but nothing.

I then decided to do a new install with the Windows 10 that I downloaded to disk on Sunday.
This idea didn't work either because it wouldn't start the setup!

So I gave up and restored Windows 7 which I backed up before starting all this

I am on an HP Desktop Tower HP dc5800 with a Radeon X700/V550 graphics card.

Sorry it is so long.

Is your graphic internal or external ? And if its external can you load the system without your card and just use onboard graphic ? If so ? I would take that options and see how it goes afterwards I would try reinstalling Radeon X700/V550 graphics card and you want to check if they have your driver for 10 for that card .... Also, if you do as I said you're going to first uninstall the Radeon X700/V550 graphics card driver before doing anything

AMD hasn't put out drivers for their x-series in years! I would seriously doubt there are any Windows 10 drivers.

It's an internal PCI card sn00ker, and you're right Mark, AMD won't be releasing any Windows 10 drivers for my card. The latest update I have is 2009! I did uninstall the Radeon driver before I tried the upgrade and denied Windows 10 to download updates, just in case it tried to download the Radeon drivers again, before the upgrade was done. I can't use the onboard graphics because it died ages ago, that is why I got this cheap graphics card. I didn't need an expensive card because don't play games on it.

By the sound of it its external card . If your card is that old I would uninstall the driver and try to install 10 without card driver, let windows take care of it ... See if that will work

It seem your card does have compatibility issues with windows 8 and now 10 . You might want to view site below


You're right sn00ker, it is an external card, that is what I meant to say in my previous post. And it probably isn't compatible with Windows 10. I guess I will just have to suffer with Windows 7 until I decide to spend some dough on a new pc!

Take a look at the website I just added

Thanks sn00ker. Card isn't compatible. I'll try and find a cheap card on ebay tomorrow. Need my sleep.

I'm curious what type of windows 7 do you have, Retail, OEM or Upgrade ? You might want to get a newer comp for 10 ... It just a thought

It was my card. I just removed it from the MB as there wasn't any way of disabling it from the BIOS. It seems the integrated card was still working. So now I have a new FREE OS on my very old machine! But I still want to buy a cheap graphics card so I don't have to use the integrated one.
Thanks for the help guys

Upgrade and clean install failed from Windows 7 pro