
Link a Microsoft Account to a Windows 10 license

I have a retail version of Windows 7 Pro

Some time ago i took advantage to upgrade my o/s to Windows 10 .

I currently sign into PC with a microsoft account.

Motherboard on PC may be giving up on me so I wish to replace it.

I have done a bit of research and it seems i should be able to link my Microsoft account with Windows 10 license which would then make reactivation easier.

I have followed instructions to go to Settings, Update and Security, Activation.

Here it says "product key: windows 10 on this device is activated with digital entitlement"

There is not an option to Link my microsoft account with Windows 10 licence key.

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Here is the guide to link your MIcrosoft Account to your digital license.

Microsoft Account - Link to Digital License on Windows 10 PC - Windows 10 blog

Thanks for message but I am not sure if it helps me.

Well according to the guide the following applies to me as i am already logged into Windows with Microsoft Account

You will not see Add an accountif you are already signed in to your Microsoft account since it will already be linked to the digital license.

If you’ve already added your Microsoft account to your device, you’ll see Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft accounton the Activation page automatically.

ie i should see " Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft account"
But I don't see that. I just see."product key: windows 10 on this device is activated with digital entitlement"

And the guide does not show how I can confirm licence is linked to Microsoft Account.

Hello Steve, and welcome to windowssh blog.

What build of Windows 10 do you currently have installed?

Windows 10 Build Number - Find

Starting in build 14371, if you see this part highlighted in yellow below in Settings -> Update & security -> Activation from step 7 in the tutorial posted above, then the PC's digital license is linked to your MSA.

that will be the problem. My build no is 10586.589

Ah, yep that would be why then. Once you upgrade to the latest build, you'll be able to link it.

Yes. That worked. Thank you so much. All linked fine!

Great news. I'm glad we could help.

Link a Microsoft Account to a Windows 10 license