Woke up computer to this message....
"We've updated your PC."
"All your files are exactly where you left them."
"We've got some new features to get excited about. Let's start."
Okay at the halfway point I got really worried, was thinking I'd been hacked and was just waiting for the ransom message to decrypt my files. When I realised it was MS been surprisingly freaky, I was relieved.
Am happy to get updates, but in the manner they were issued last night it was a bit scary as MS deactivated my keyboard and mouse during the above messages.
My Start menu was being glitchy since upgrade to Win10 months ago but this could have been due to the use of Dexpot to manage my virtual desktop. Also right clicking on tasks on the task bar hadn't been working. I've now disabled Dexpot and will try out the built in manger to see if the situation improves.
One side effect I've immediately noticed and am particularly worried about after the update last night was the slowdown or downright non-functioning of Chrome products. The browser goes from being slow to simply unable to load pages for certain sites, not all just a few like Google Drive, Youtube.com and a few others.
The update made Edge the default browser (was Chrome), and also stole the PDF extension from Acrobat Reader etc. And I wonder if some of my privacy settings were changed.
Very Cheeky MS!!!
Going to have to head on over to the Chrome blog to find out what is going on
Chrome is for some causing trouble on only on 10 but I have just dealt with 2 friends of mine who has windows 7.
Both been ok till the last update by Chrome,
They are having same problems as you with pages not loading or loading slow, also you tube is a not even loading,
Yet it loads ok with IE.
I forgot to mention this works...
but this doesn't ...
I got the same msg on my home workgroup system (not on my domain PC).
After the wonderful "new features" msg it said NOTHING about any new features.
Well one of the new "features" was that it turned off my RDP firewall settings that I had enabled so I could no longer RDP to this PC (non domain on public network) from my desktop PC (domain).
MSFT - I hate your auto update I have no control over when it happens so don't know why stuff breaks! Don't change my firewall settings. Win10 also said it was adding Office x86 updates to my domain machine which has Office x64 not 32 bit. Thanks a lot though at least it did that without all the weird fanfare. I love pretty much everything else about Win10 but this auto update sux!
I can report though that at least Chrome (version 47.0.2526.106 m) seems fine and stayed the default browser for the things I tested.
I thought maybe I was hacked too. I did not like it one bit that they said WE have updated your PC. It should have said YOU have updated your PC... maybe it is just my bad attitude. They tried to shove me into using EDGE and IE did not work right in the first browser. I'm not sure but I think they may have changed tome notification settings, but it is possible I had them on... but I don't think so.
A few minutes ago my computer screen started going from bright to dim and back. I used the "brightness+" button and it seems to have stopped. Time will tell..
ALSO, this update took about an HOUR... with several reboots. I'm nervous about it. Totally cynical about MS at this point.
I hope all me programs... er, I mean APPs still work. pfffft.
Blame your Chrome and YouTube issues on Google, not Microsoft. They are not just on Windows 10.
There are two kinds of updates, normal Windows Updates, and new builds. You only get new builds if you are in the Insider program (or when MS releases an update build such as the November update). If you're afraid of getting new builds, you better drop out of the insider program, as they are going to be coming a lot faster next year.
Thanks, I don't know anything about the "insider program". If I'm in it I didn't know it but I'll try to figure out if I am and how to get out. Do they just arbitrarily put people I it?
Google could be a problem but I don't use Chrome. I use IE but Google is my homepage and default search. Lately I have had tons of "webpage stopped working" messages with the option to Recover Webpage. Most of the time it works, sometime it immediately hangs again. Maybe it will all get sorted out over the next year or so.
I too was really annoyed by the latest update...which updated automatically putting my system out of action for almost two hours while installing. I had some pretty important business work to do and it caused a delay on my deadlines - not impressed with win10 in this regard.