Have a folder with some subfolders that just wont delete. Can move and rename. Cannot cut and paste to another drive.
I have tried the following which results in the same, just doesnt delete.
Grant me admin
CMD Prompt running with admin del [foldername]
Started Windows 10 in safe mode tried to delete - stays where it is.
Odd thing is this folder was originally in my Windows10 documents, I uninstalled a program called Kodi and it appeared to uninstall but left this folder behind.
I can browse the folder. Rename the main folder and its sub components. JUst wont delete.
Unable to delete the main folder or any subfolders/files.
No error messages or anything else to report. Very very odd.
Tried scanning with rootkit and antivirus just in case. Nothing flagged up.
Is it possible this is saved on a corrupt portion of the SSD drive?
When I go to the following location (I renamed it the main to stuck directory)
I then discovered the following sub folders called reports
"Location is not available" [Directory and sub directory names listed below]"The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."
C:Stuck directoryaddonsplugin.audio.radio_de esourceslanguage.
C:Stuck directoryuserdataaddon_datascript.extendedinfoTheMovieDB
C:Stuck directoryuserdataaddon_datascript.skinshortcuts
Have rebooted the system doing chkdsk /r etc. No luck.
Any solutions greatly appreciated.
An easy way would be to download a live Linux .iso such as UBUNTU, burn it to a DVD or USB and boot from it.
You can browse to the locations from that and delete the directories you want.
After deleting be sure to empty the Trash bin in Linux or you'll end up with a Trash directory in Windows that can't be deleted unless you boot into Linux again.
Thanks DooGIe. Downloading Ubuntu now.
Before I get too deep, is emptying the trash Linux trash bin fairly self explanatory, ie a recylce bin or do I need a command line/string please?
Thanks again
No command line needed, it's as easy as being in Windows.
If you press shift key while deleting it will not go to the Linux Trash bin
- Press the Shift key and select your file
- While holding the Shift key, press the Delete key.
perfect will give it a go Thankyou.
That would also have been my advice. Often the problem is a folder or file name that is not compatible with the Windows restrictions on file names. Since Linux does not know such restrictions it can delete all files/ folders.
When your running the live version of Linux you should have an internet connection, If your using a lan connection it should automatically detect it and if you are using WiFi you will have to either look near the top right of the screen for network icon or what looks like two lan cables, You could also look at the application's button then look for Internet and then look for connection manager.
From there you can open a browser and log onto windowssh blog if you need any more help.
Most Wifi and Lan cards are detected by Linux so you should have no problems connecting to the net if you need to.
The web browser may be called Nautilus or it might have Ice weasel or possibly chrome