
Directory Listing

How do I create my File names with the date at the front of the so that all the files are sorted mm-yy?

How do I create my File names with the date at the front of the so that all the files are sorted mm-yy?
You can set "Sort by date" in the explorer but otherwise you'd have to name/rename files yourself. There are few bulk file renamer programs to do it faster.

For new files you'll have to do it when saving i suppose.

For existing files you could write a script that looks at the creationtime and converts it to a date.
Then you would rename the file by adding the creationtime in front of the filename.
With powershell this would look like:
 $files = gci c:	est | select CreationTime, Basename, Fullname, Extension     foreach ( $x in $files)     {         $date = $null         # retrieve date         $d = $x.CreationTime.Day         $m = $x.CreationTime.Month         $y = $x.CreationTime.Year         #convertdate to string         $date = $d.ToString() + '_' + $m.ToString() + '_' + $y.ToString()             #rename file with prefix date        $newname = $date + '_' + $x.BaseName + '_' + $x.Extension        Rename-Item -path $x.Fullname -NewName $newname         }

I've used a format like this to sort by date.
2016-05-11-01-filename.doc Pretty simple: year-month-day-version #, a name I'll recognize. I've used version number when I wanted to save previous edits of a file.
It worked for me, hope it helps you.

I've used a format like this to sort by date.
2016-05-11-01-filename.doc Pretty simple: year-month-day-version #, a name I'll recognize. I've used version number when I wanted to save previous edits of a file.
It worked for me, hope it helps you.
Yup i have the same sort of naming convention. There are lots of articles written about subjects like these, bottom line : keep it simple.

How do I create my File names with the date at the front of the so that all the files are sorted mm-yy?
If you go to the file explorer you can order the display by any column you want by clicking in the heading. If you right click in the heading row it will allow you to add/remove columns from the view in Explorer. Date Modified and Date created are 2 date columns you can sort by.

Bulk Rename Utility, 32bit or 64bit, free or pay-for, will also do the trick; take time and care! A mistake can take lots of time to correct. If you're doing to do the date-in-front, I second the earlier posters' choice of yyyy-mm-dd format.

If you want the date before the file name just click on the title of the column and drag the column to the left.

Is there a rename utility that will count the date such as 60-12-01 , 60-19-01 , ect., that allows you to use your own "seed" date? And counts through and end date? Also doesn't use the computer date? John

Is there a rename utility that will count the date such as 60-12-01 , 60-19-01 , ect., that allows you to use your own "seed" date? And counts through and end date? Also doesn't use the computer date? John
I'm not following this, could you please explain a bit more?

Directory Listing