
Desktop Operating System

Am I alone, or are there others out there who would like a DESKTOP operating system to use with their DESKTOP computers? Swiping, pinching, tapping, chanting arcane spells to your Cortana crystal ball, ... -- all these may be OK on a phone or tablet, but don't they just add to the effort of using a desktop computer?

My 10 has a desktop, works almost identical to previous versions of windows

Not only is there a desktop but windows 10 offers multiple desktops.


Not only is there a desktop but windows 10 offers multiple desktops.

That's one feature of Win 10 that I really like!

Am I alone...
No you aren't.

I, for one, don't need the childish tiles and data gathering browsers on my computer. I don't need the stupid games and connections to XBox, either. I don't need TV, music and video players assaulting me with Taylor Swift and infantile boy band hype. If I want the weather update I'll look out the window!

My computer isn't a toy.

Thankfully, with knowledge, patience and online blog like this at my disposal, it's possible to remove (almost) all traces of the Microsoft attempt to Apple-fy my brain!

Hi there

I sometimes SCREAM at the PC or bash a monitor if a Stock trade goes wrong !!! -- Not sure a Mobile phone would put up with such abuse -- I know a Tablet wouldn't -- just even LOOKING at a tablet probably makes the glass want to shatter.

Nothing wrong with W10 for 100% Desktop operation -- you can turn off Cortana, remove all the metro stuff from the start menu and make it run identically to W7 (albeit a bit faster).

I don't think things like Cortana would be very popular in that Scourge of the 20th century - carried forward into this one -- "The Open Plan Office". I'm sure Enterprise versions will disable those sorts of things in any case.

For Visually impaired people Cortana could be a great improvement over stuff that's already there but for the rest of us -- no thanks if I'm in an Office workplace.


No you aren't.

I, for one, don't need the childish tiles and data gathering browsers on my computer. I don't need the stupid games and connections to XBox, either. I don't need TV, music and video players assaulting me with Taylor Swift and infantile boy band hype. If I want the weather update I'll look out the window!

My computer isn't a toy.

Thankfully, with knowledge, patience and online blog like this at my disposal, it's possible to remove (almost) all traces of the Microsoft attempt to Apple-fy my brain!
You forgot "And get off my grass!"

You forgot "And get off my grass!"
Hi there

Some people used to have other ideas. -- Glad W10 has essentially moved away from that W8 type of Kiddy Interface (Back to the Future !!!).

Remember THIS !!!!!

I suspect there are some younger members of this forum who thinks DOS means Desktop Operating System too !!!!! probably never having ever booted up a Pre windows OS. !!


Turning off the live tiles helps a lot. Right click on the tile to turn off the live part, then Unpin From Start if it still bugs you (I did this with Xbox).

You can then, if that still bugs you, go all the way back with Classic Shell or Start10.

My 10 has a desktop, works almost identical to previous versions of windows
+1 to that
I was showing someone my new operating system running its desktop, they said "it looks great ,but I thought you had this new windows 10"

Desktop Operating System