Hi! I felt like I should re-open that thread here. I got an issue (on the pic attached). Anyone knows how to kill that beast?
I have absolutely no idea, but nice thread name
Also lemme chime in dat my Win10 has had 0 problems sleeping. No insomnia here.
Not this again... I'd hoped that they have fixed that.
It's related to Maintenance / updates. Windows send a request, but then it just stay there, and I need to reboot to remove it.
At least now, Windows shows something in powercfg -requests. I just need someone who will be able to teach me how to kill that. lol
Is this a new Win10 thing? Granted I usually set Windows Update to manual and disabled maintenance, but that shit disables sleep mode ?
It's a technical preview so you cannot deactivate maintenance and update. I may have a solution (I'm trying right now): force maintenance manually.
I noticed.
How do I disable them! Gimme yo hax!
Edit: after forcing maintenance twice, that dawn svchost is still sending request to prevent my PC from sleep. I guess it can't be helped for now, unless a super duper amazing guy shows up and tell us how to get around it. XD
Looking forward to it. I hate auto updates/maintenance interfering when I'm doing something.