Windows 10 has been good to from the start to the latest updates. First it wouldn't let me use my keyboard anymore, and yes it works on any other computer I have.
From yesterday until to day, it won't start anymore.
Windows 7, here I come again.
It is an old computer, about 7 years. But as them claimed, it should work on old computer to. This is really annoing. ...
Kindly a Winfan that is a little bit disappointed.....
Hi Peter
What will not start any more ? Computer ? W10 ? Keyboard ?
If KB, wired or wireless, did you try another port or plugging it in after windows start ?
If W10 would not start did you check disk for errors or bad sectors ?
The computer would not start (windows). Just locked up with circle circling around..
The KB is wireless, tried in all the ports, does not work at all on that computer/windows anymore. But works everywhere else.
It don`t work in bios either, so could be the KB. But think it is strange that it woks on all other. (Logitech MK510?)
Tried to connect it before and after, tried to remove it from devices. Nothing helps, even tried to download the "drivers" from Logitech.
I have tried that, when it then booted up, I can`t get any network (cable).
I really think this Win version is not good for old computers, can`t blame them. But they should change there advertisement.
Windows 10 didn't destroy anything. You just didn't finish the process. You didn't check to see if USB drivers were missing, or if they needed to be reinstalled. Same with the wireless keyboard drivers, if needed.
Assuming your install activated, back up your data, do a clean install of Windows 10 (what most of us have done already), and then load your system drivers that are missing. Problem solved.
If wireless (or any other KB) doesn't work in BIOS than it's not fault of OS (any OS).
If anything doesn't work in OS (any OS) than it's problem with drivers.
That's what I have done, used the update. Then reinstalled clean. It has gone 2-3 months, then the KB stoped working, and then the hangup. And after using the rescue part the network did not work anymore.
I see that the KB most likely is garbage, so that is out of the problem list.
But either way, it should not be this kind of problem with something that should be better than the old.
If it is an update, then MS have done something wrong.
But thanks for your comment's, and helpout. Sorry it did not help this time.
Maybe I'll try on another computer sometime.
Don't have to much time to hassle with this now, it has to work so 7 it is.
From your original post, it seems to me that you're using Windows 10 Insider Preview, and you must now be on Build 14279. Since you didn't elaborate, I can only guess. That's what I'm using and it's far from perfect at this moment!
What you did tell us is that you don't have time to mess with a Preview that doesn't work 100%, so I'm in agreement with you, Petter. However, I wouldn't quite go back to Windows 7 . . . I'd use the Media Creation Tool which should install the "November Update" or RTM version of Windows 10. Especially since you say Windows 10 has been good thus far.
Since you've already had Windows 10 on your machine, you won't have to reinstall Windows 7; just use the Media Creation Tool to reinstall Windows 10 to the RTM version.
You can get the tool here: Windows 10
It seems I'm going to try 10 again.
7 can't find any updates. Going for a clean install of 10, made with creation tool.
Hopes it works this time..
PS: never used preview version :-)
Ah, so if you've never used the Preview (Insider) version of Windows 10 and it's been more than 30 days since you upgraded from Windows 7, you can't go back to Windows 7. Which is a bummer when something like this happens.
Get a new keyboard first.
Wireless Keyboards also need the Legacy USB setting enabled in the bios, since some will not work if that is off. Also some wireless keyboards will not work at all in the Bios, because the mfg never thinks about that with the hardware for the receiver and the keyboard.
This is why I stick with a wired keyboard, along with the fact that a wired keyboard cannot be sniffed by someone looking for a wireless keyboard signal.