Home » Windows » How many computers does the average individual own?
How many computers does the average individual own?
Curious about this and why so many , thanks folks.
Many of us own a few just for testing or for serving other purposes. I own five for the two people in my house. My wife and I each have a laptop. We share a tower computer, then we have a server in our basement and a spare tower used for whatever we feel like using it for...Linux, new server OS, etc.
I probably have any spare parts sitting around to build at least three more towers. Typical for someone in the enthusiast crowd.
If you work in IT you tend to have a lot of computer stuff at home too. I have a main PC, a Win 2012 server, couple of laptops, wife's PC. We also never throw any computer-related item away, even if it's totally obsolete, because you're sure the day after you discard it you will need it and have to go out and buy a new whatever-it-was at great cost.
I am mostly looking for people who don't work in the computer field , curious about those statistics.
I have one..
I have 5
I have 2.
I have a desktop media PC that runs my media to living room TV. I have my laptop for my main computer. My wife has her main laptop, a new (to us) Asus Transformer tablet/netbook, and an old netbook that her new Transformer replaced. My daughter has her laptop. We have a family spare laptop. My father in law and mother in law each have their own desktops. So, in our house there are 9 computers. All of us but father in law also each have an Android tablet, and my wife, daughter and I all have Android smartphones.
I Have a desktop with Windows 10 two VM's and my old ASUS Laptop with Win10, that I keep updated, in case my desktop get's hardware problems, plus a couple of spare hard drives with Linux various OS's on them(that I can swap out for testing, play & learning on the laptop).
By and large, this is an enthusiasts' forum, and as enthusiasts, the collecting habit is well developed. As stated above, rarely is anything thrown away, even if totally obsolete.
I have 2 laptops that work, 4 that don't at the moment, a couple of towers that work, and a couple that don't at the moment, and a box or five of motherboards, drives, memory, expansion cards, 3 or four keyboards, numerous mice, and about half a dozen monitors. I have disposed of all my CRT monitors - probably a mistake that I'll regret.
I have a TRS 80 color computer, and Apricot ACT PC, and a Amiga Commodore A1200, all of which were working the last time I looked at them. (Which was a long time ago...)
My wife had an Android Tablet for Christmas - she looks at it about once a month to ask me where the facebook has gone. Sigh.