
Windows 10 login screen is frozen

Hello! I would be very grateful if you can help me.
I have Windows 10 on my laptop. Today I switched it on, the welcome screen did not appeared as usual but the login/password screen showed instead. However I cannot type the password, cannot select the power button or anything else. The pointer of the mouse is moving around the screen, but nothing happens. Switched it on and off again but the problem persists.

Boot into safe mode by holding either F8 or F11.

Probably just coincidence but I've had similar problems for the last 2 days - hung on the login or logout screen; hung (on a black screen) when switching users. This has happened a half dozen times on a laptop and twice on a desktop. From a Blue Screen of almost Death - a message something like "Windows could not load properly" went back to an earlier Restore Point and everything seems ok ... for now. That eventually came up after I walked away from a hung "switch users".

Boot into safe mode by holding either F8 or F11.
I have tried that but nothing happened - no reaction to F8, F11 or shift+F8/F11.

Try to force an automatic repair. Press the power button until computer shuts off. Press to turn on and quickly power off again. Repeat until a black screen appears 'Preparing automatic repair'. Let it run, do not interrupt. If it's stuck, it will offer to let you either restart or click Other options for the Troubleshooting console where you can try a System Restore, if you have a point or Recover while keeping files. Good Luck.

PS; is the issue that the mouse pointer can't get to the password field or that you can't type it ? If it's the mouse, replace batteries or try another one. If the latter, click Ease of Access (middle icon in lower R corner) and use On-Screen Keyboard.

What exactly do you mean when you say "nothing happened"? You weren't able to reboot, or you couldn't boot into safe mode?

If you couldn't reboot, what happened when you tried? Blank screen with no BIOS POST? (I don't know what the equivalent UEFI thing is called.) Or did you get through the POST but Windows did not start? Or something else?

mrgeek actually turning the power on and off quickly, can fry components.

You either use the Win 10 PE disk/USB. Or hold down either the F8 or F11 to halt the boot loader.

pokeefe0001, Uefi is just how they are coding bios chips now. It is still a bios.

What exactly do you mean when you say "nothing happened"? You weren't able to reboot, or you couldn't boot into safe mode?

If you couldn't reboot, what happened when you tried? Blank screen with no BIOS POST? (I don't know what the equivalent UEFI thing is called.) Or did you get through the POST but Windows did not start? Or something else?
What I mean is that I switch on and the login/password screen of windows appears no matter what I do. If I try to boot to safe mode by holding F8 or F11 the same windows login screen appears asking for the password. The pointer of the mouse is moving around the screen but I can't select the field to enter the password, neither the power button, nor something else on the screen. I tried to use the touch pad instead of the mouse but no change. The mouse is working perfectly with the other laptop.
I have tried: switched off the wireless (the wireless icon on the screen reacts to this and shows that there is no wireless connection but that's all), removed and placed back the battery - did't help.

You are going to have to do a repair install then.

Windows 10 login screen is frozen