
Does Windows 10 Deserve a More Powerful Anti-Virus...

Windows Defender is the built-in Windows 8.1 anti-virus and anti-spyware solution, and chances are that it’s going to be the default security app in Windows 10 as well.

While this decision pretty much makes sense since users do need basic protection on their computers, there’s a debate online on whether the company should actually make Windows Defender better or bundle a different anti-virus solution on Windows.

The second scenario is practically impossible since third-party software in Windows isn’t really the kind of thing that pleases Microsoft for many reasons, but improving Windows Defender is surely a project that can be done with Redmond’s resources.

Windows is at this point the most targeted platform by hackers and cybercriminals online, so it’s easy to see why users expect Microsoft to offer a protection solution in this regard.

Defender is all I've ever used on W8.1, along with MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, but it helps that I'm the only one who uses this PC.

I think MS should continue to improve Windows Defender. If MS wants users to stay with Defender it needs to stay equal to, or better than third-party software.

. . ."WHY. . .

. . ."WHY. . .
Why not?

. . ."WHY. . .
Why not?
Typical answer from someone who has no ideas. . .

I guess everybody has their own AV strategies. I used to be a big Norton fan and I still have a license for 3 systems on the shelf - it is from 2012 but it could still be used. Since 2012 I depended on MSE/Defender but I have changed my ways.

1. I make frequent images so that I can always bail myself out.

2. Most of my internet work I do from a Linux virtual system. There it is unlikely to get infected. In addition, Linux is fun - Mint Mate in my case.

. . ."WHY. . .
Why not?
Typical answer from someone who had not ideas. . .
I had a idea once. Or so I thought I did.

I'm sure MS could improve upon it as long as they don't implement all kinds of frustrating hidden restrictions, having UAC going berserk, for example.

Hi there

Most AV software (note for INDIVIDUALS -- not CORPORATES) is a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME these days. Anything on top of the latest Windows defender just isn't worth it.

Virus attacks are not a mega problem any more --people have turned their attention to much more damaging stuff which cannot be protected against by Software --typical examples are email from a "cloned" web site - say a Tax office saying you are entitled to a refund - click on the link for details of how to apply etc.

People's Bank accounts get EMPTIED by very simple ruses like that. There's loads of other online scams that can't be stopped by Software. YOU have to surf and use the internet wisely.

Even a lot of "Malware" - usually the stuff that pops up zillions of web site links isn't really "Malware" - annoying though the effects are the program might actually be a perfectly legitimate Windows application obeying all the rules and hence won't be recognized as "Malware".

The other way people get taken in is by clicking the wrong download button when downloading software or failing to go through ALL the steps and UNCLICK all the toolbars / offers.

A lot of sites DELIBERATELY confuse the poor downloader with a multitude of green arrows etc hoping that the user clicks the wrong arrow rather than the well hidden REAL DOWNLOAD LINK.

Computer security is about 99% YOU and 1% for AV stuff. It's not worth installing 3rd party stuff and above all certainly not worth PAYING for any.

Note these remarks apply to INDIVIDUAL users rather than large corporate networks where other forms of defence need to be employed.


Does Windows 10 Deserve a More Powerful Anti-Virus...