So, as suggested by Brink, I started a new thread for this issue.
Brink you stated ''Just to note, that folders in a library share the same folder view as it was when last closed. This isn't the same as the folders in "This PC".
Yes, this is (supposed to be) true .
Up to Windows 8.1 when you chose a view to folders in a specific library this view would apply to all sub folders of that library and stay if closed and re opened. This would work by individual library.
So, I chose my view, closed the library, re opened and looked at a sub file. Here is the result.
As you can see, the setting does not apply to the sub folders of that library. It will apply to all the main folders only.Each sub folderhas to be set individually in view settings. This makes no sense and is really not practical.
Like I said, this is a step back from earlier versions of Windows. I've looked everywhere for a fix but I'm at a loss.
Thanks for your help.