
how to do windows7 tasks in windows10

Good morning,

Is there a table that tells me (translates for me) how to do in Windows 10 what I used to be able to do in Windows 7?

For example, how do I make my Windows 10 jump lists have as many entries for 'recent' or for 'frequent' as I used to have for Windows 7? (My jump list for Word had the 10 most recent files -- now in Windows 10 it only shows about 3)

Or, how to set the amount of time before inactivity on the computer causes it to lock?


....how do I make my Windows 10 jump lists have as many entries for 'recent' or for 'frequent' as I used to have for Windows 7? (My jump list for Word had the 10 most recent files -- now in Windows 10 it only shows about 3)
In Word, (depending on which version you use) go to your 'File' tab, Options > Advanced, and you can select how many recent documents. Also, I'm not on a Win10 pc at the moment, but if I remember correctly, setting the number of entries for Jump Lists is the same in Win10 as for Win7.
Jump Lists - Change Number of Recent Items to Display

....how to set the amount of time before inactivity on the computer causes it to lock?)

I don't think there is a comprehensive list that show how to do what you did on Win7. Just keep asking your questions here

And welcome to the forum Arby!

Jump Lists - Change Number of Recent Items to Display

And welcome to the forum Arby!
Thanks for the info and the welcome!

Would like to pursue the jump list a bit -- what I did in Windows7 was pin my frequently-used applications to the task bar, for example, Word, PowerPoint, and the Explorer. Then, all I had to do to pick up where I left off yesterday was to mouse over the app in the toolbar, right click, and select the appropriate recent file. That is what I would like to work in Windows10.

Looks like the link you provided requires me to open up programs, scroll down and select the application, THEN choose recent. Yes, I know, it is only a difference of a few mouse clicks and a bit of scrolling -- but I really like the single mouse click required in windows7, and I would like to see the old high number of recent files.

Again, thanks for any tips.



Unfortunately I do not use Jump Lists so you may have to wait for someone else to drop by. It's actually the first function I disable whenever I build a new system lol. I do that before installing drivers or anything else. And since I'm not currently on a Win10 system I cannot check it out or test it for you...

However, in the meantime, the Win10 tutorial below may provide you with the necessary information to enable your desired functionality:
How to Turn On or Off 'Recent Items' and 'Frequent Places' in Windows 10

Sadly, jump lists cannot be adjusted as much in Windows 10 as they can in Windows 7--Here's a thread that gives a little bit of insight:

If you right click on the Word or Excel icon in the Taskbar then you see the list of recent documents. Just mousing over them doesn't work, at least it doesn't work for me.

In Word, (depending on which version you use) go to your 'File' tab, Options > Advanced, and you can select how many recent documents. Also, I'm not on a Win10 pc at the moment, but if I remember correctly, setting the number of entries for Jump Lists is the same in Win10 as for Win7.
Jump Lists - Change Number of Recent Items to Display
Sadly, no, the number of entries for jump lists in Win10 seems to be hard-locked. For one thing, right clicking on the Start button doesn't produce a 'properties' option in 10, like it did in 7.

how to do windows7 tasks in windows10