
Win 10 after a cold boot

This happens when I power up the pc and it boots.

The desktop appears, and when I click normally on an icon (a desktop shortcut) to open it, it doesn't open. Instead I get the menu that I would get if I had right-clicked on the icon. If I open it from there, there are problems with tabs.

To fix this, I Restart the pc. Then everything works the way it should.

It always happens when I power up the pc. And I always have to restart it to fix it.

Any ideas on this one? Thanks!

Most of the times the Explorer crashes due a bad or corrupt Context Menu the best way to troubleshoot is to download the ShellExViewis an excellent tool to view and manage all installed shell extensions. The rule is to disable non-Microsoft context menu handlers *one-by-one* and verify if the problem is solved. If disabling one does not solve the problem, undo the disabled item and disable the next non-Microsoft handler. Do the same until the problem is solved and finally identify the culprit. Scroll right to see the Company Namecolumn in ShellExView. Run a SFC Scannowto make sure all the System files are intact.
Solved Windows 8 Explorer hangs on right-click - no icons after

Thanks! I'll give it a try.

I ran ShellExView and only had two non-Microsoft ones. They were from Oracle. I disabled them and so far, the couple of times I have shut down and powered up the pc, it's been working fine. I'll do an update here in the morning after it's been turned off overnight. Thanks again for your help. Nice product!

p.s. the SFC scan ran clean.

I ran ShellExView and only had two non-Microsoft ones. They were from Oracle. I disabled them and so far, the couple of times I have shut down and powered up the pc, it's been working fine. I'll do an update here in the morning after it's been turned off overnight. Thanks again for your help. Nice product!

p.s. the SFC scan ran clean.

Well, unfortunately this morning it was back to the old problem. I just decided to go back to Windows 7 on that pc.
Maybe in the future I'll try Windows 10 on there again. Thanks for your suggestion mohamed!

p.s. With Windows 7 the pc works fine.

Well, unfortunately this morning it was back to the old problem. I just decided to go back to Windows 7 on that pc.
Maybe in the future I'll try Windows 10 on there again. Thanks for your suggestion mohamed!

p.s. With Windows 7 the pc works fine.
I think that the XP is the best Microsoft products so far


The fast startup option is not advised on some computers. Even with TH2 on, it makes Windows Hangs when doing a Cold start (A startup not a restart) on some computers, it's not a universal bug.

Disable it in Control panel, power options, choose what power button do, click on change settings that are currently unavailable in the upper section before going down to uncheck the option "Turn on fast startup".

Since doing so will prevent cases like yours from benefiting from this new feature, i would suggest to turn off the startup windows splash screen to gain back a second or two. (Do so by running Msconfig, go to the boot section, and check NO GUI BOOT.

Good luck

Win 10 after a cold boot