I've had windows installed since 31st July. Runs like a dream now and so well pleased with it. I thought that the old windows 7 - in the windows_old folder would be deleted by now. There was a restart of my computer and I thought that would have done it, but it was only the installation of a driver for the laptop touch pad. Shall I just delete this folder or let Microsoft do it some time in the future?
Hello steve1711 the tutorial by Brink below may be of some help.
Windows.old Folder - Delete in Windows 10
Wow - thanks for the info. I have loads of space on my hard drive so I might just leave it be. What I thought would happen is after 30 days windows would automatically delete the folder. I guess I'll wait and see.
Just checked computer after I booted up today. The Windows_old folder is now empty. Will mark this as sorted.
Of course this is not the end.
Using Acronis Disk Director, for example to look into unlabelled partitions on the boot drive.
The is now an additional partition.
where there was a 350MB NTFS with
Recovery/WindowsRE files: boot.sdi, Reagent.xml, Winre.wim
System Volume Information files tracking.log
all the above files with dates of 2013 or 2014
then there is the same kind of partition of 450MB this time
System Volume Information
(no Recovery/Logs) this time.
Same file names in the directories indicated before but now with 2015 August 13 dates except for boot.sdi which is july 10.
That is a remnant of Windows 8 remains.
The question is: is it deletable or do uuid's or guid's lurk within.
Hi johng,
These partitions are recovery partitions as you may have guessed, accessible when you can't boot into windows.
1 is from Microsoft and 1 is from the manufacturer (motherboard manufacturer when using a desktop).
I wouldn't delete any of them. I have 4 of them, in case 1 of them fails I have 3 left.
I have boot.sdi with last maintained date of 2015/7/10 also. This is on a clean install though so it is not a remnant of anything (I have it in C:WindowsRecoveryWindowsRE as I only have one partition).
Don't delete it - it is an empty RAM disk template used for running recovery.
Yes I am well aware of them I have had to semi-manually had to create them in doing a messy recovery and conversion to GPT.
But the point is that what is left over is a mixture of Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
Indeed that you should have but in my case after an upgrade I have Windows 8.1 remnants as well as Windows 10.
I don't know if you did a clean install and since when you have your pc, but I doubt that it is a lefover from windows 8.1, see halasz reply #7 for a part of the reason.