Is it me or does windows 10 seem slow to anyone else. its not like i got a ancient laptop its a lenovo t430s got a i7 3520m 2.90ghz with 16 gigs of ram but boy it loads slow and seems to run slow.
Are you running an upgraded install of Windows 10 or a fresh re-install? I'd suggest a fresh reinstall(after the upgrade and activation) to see how well Windows 10 can run. Upgrades almost never work that well. It's at least as fast for me as it was under Windows 7, and I know it boots faster.
I am running an upgrade right now have not done a fresh install. requires time as it may be a personal laptop but i use it for work out in the field they expected me to use a window 8 7inch toshiba tablet like a laptop still sitting in my closet a year later. But yeah maybe that would work it boots fast but then to a black screen for a few minutes then afterwards it loads the login then once i login even that takes awhile.
Slow is a relative term. My Dell desktop take 31 second to load to flash screen. Windows 8.1 took almost a minute. Programs, internet pages, all seem to load faster than my computer did with Windows 8.1.
slow as it it take about like 10 minutes for me to even use my desktop vs how 7 loaded on my laptop
I do feel slow to boot...
Mine Desktop Dell Dimension 9200 and Win 7 Ultimate x64 was much faster.
I have upgraded today.... I may do a clean install coming weekend and see if it made any difference
Getting a black screen for a few minutes at boot is not normal. Something left over from Windows 7 is causing a problem with your upgraded Windows 10. Like I said, upgrades usually don't work well. You need to make sure the upgraded Windows 10 install is Activated with Microsoft and then do a fresh reinstall using a bootable DVD or USB flash drive.
yeah I guess when i have time that what i will have to end up doing is a clean install there a guide to doing that i'm pretty sure my windows is activated but i will double check.
To me, the UI feels a little 'laggy' now and then. I notice the 'working on it' message for an instant when navigating folders. The Start menu takes a while to appear. Windows 8.1 was never like that!
Yeah So i ended up backing up my important data and doing a clean install much much better it runs a lot better, I'm actually now considering next weekend doing my desktop so far i'm actually liking windows 10 there are somethings i don't like. like hopefully a black theme like windows 7 comes out soon too much white i don't like. and somebody hopefully comes out with something to change the login screen cause i hate that windows hero screen. and boy where there a lot of things of things i turned off likes of things for privacy and data to be sent to Microsoft i shut down annoying. and pretty much all the apps i removed lol. just some minor annoyances i hope things come out to modify them and things to turn off but all in all not bad.