Since the update I'm finding that Snap only does half page the way it did in Windows 7.
Is anyone else seeing this?
Yup, modern and native apps.
It was a step back for me in the first 10 release, now after this upgrade its even worse. Desktop programs could be snapped in quadrants, now its only half screen like you say. The two metro apps I use won't even snap to half screen. They will only reduce to about 2/3 screen and won't snap at all. The hot keys don't work either? Did they change them? It used to be the Windows Logo key plus an arrow key.
Start here but read through to the end (post 14 , 17 & 19).
My Window Snapping works as in b9841 after I first start/reboot W10, but after some random combination of events it stops.
The windows remain at the size they were snapped to.
The controls in the right corner of the Titlebar behave normally and will unstick the snapped windows.
windows don't even snap in my windows 10. what's the matter
Try enabling "Show windows contents while dragging" in Control Panel/System/Advanced system settings/System Properties-Advanced tab/Performance-Settings/Performance Options-Visual Effects tab/check mark/Apply/OK.
It's enabled. It's so inconsistent. It only works 3% of the time.
Which W10 build are you referring too?
Did you perform a clean install?
The original release (b9841) had the best version of Window Snapping.
Apart from the Task Manager, it worked perfectly on everything else I tested.
It also had the most layouts/options.
Window Snapping was broken/dodgy in b9860.
It's mostly fixed in b9879.
MS still managed to break it though (no 100% width, 50% height option).
I am on version 9841. Although I've done windows update a couple of times i am still having the issues