hi all,
i have bought a new Chinese mouse, a nice mouse with good properties but with no special driver.
the mouse has 9 buttons (home and dpi included), the 6st and 7st buttons are internet and multimedia by default, and i want to change them.
all the software i found is for 5 buttons max, please help me find a way.
my knowledge is average, i can work with registry or cmd, and other stuff.
some info:
driver : windows driver - Hid compliant mouse
OS - windows 10
wireless mouse with a usb port.
i am searching the web for answers for a couple of days with no success so i will appreciate any help you can give me.
thank you in advance
You'll need drivers specific to that mouse. Good known makes like Logitech come with drivers and programs to remap buttons.
i did not got any driver and i really dont know who the manufacturer is cause i bought it on ebay. any other ideas? there is have to be a way.. maybe moding the windows driver?
I'm in similar pickle and tried drivers from other makes (had Logitech before) and none really worked.
ok, so ill write all the info i have after some reaserch,
the german company perixx has a similar product (MX-3200) but with small difference (3 buttons above the wheel instead of two, they have a driver but it wont detect my mouse.
i think i found the manufacturer, its a chinese or korean compny names, szkodz.
the only thing written in english is "JS-K8", and they have a product with this name that look the same.
they have some drivers for other devices but not for this one (i didnt found one).
this is what i have got until now, there is any way to force the driver to detect my mouse?
There are hardware IDs in device manager. Many, specially lesser manufacturers use same PnP chips in their mice so there's a chance to find driver from some other make that way. I got used to buttons on my mouse so I stopped looking further. You may have better luck.
the mouse is 100% szkodz js-k8, this is a big company in china, they have like 10 drivers in their site none of them working for me.
i mailed them asking for help, lets see what they say, but i am pretty sure that if i can make the other drivers recognize my mouse i could remap the buttons. is there a way to change the mouse id?
or any other ideas?
HW ID is in the firmware, don't think it can be changed.
CM is correct, one could change it if you could rewrite to the Firmware, assuming that is is re-writable, which likely on a mouse it is not.
Sorry, but you are stuck - either you get the proper drivers, or you try others in hope it might see more functions.
You could set an eggroll in front of it to see if you get a response, but I doubt it,
Found this: mouse buttons - Windows 10 blog