I upgraded from W7 to W10 last week and all went smoothly...or so I thought.
I launched a program today and it failed because its exe file was missing. My audio DAW PC was built by a specialist firm here in the UK - Scan. It was configured as RAID with a drive D: and one called "Extra Storage E:"
Drive E: is now no longer showing. A bit of a disaster as all the music videos I've ever made and edited were on there. W10 did not throw up a warning about encountering a RAID configuration.
Is there any way at all of accessing what was on E: ?
It may be helpful to post a screenshot of your Disk Management window.
Hi, thanks. I didn't know what that was (!), but here it is.
'N' and 'M' are both on an external backup drive plugged in via USB. There should be a drive E: with a capacity of about 1TB.
Right-click at drive D:
select Change drive letter
from list select E:
confirm twice
..then it should work
Before I had two available drives, a D: and an E: so won't this leave me without D: ?
Drive D must be a mirror of C using Raid 1. Have you looked into your motherboard bios to see if drive E is showing up and how it is configured?
D could still be the array. Assuming you set the array up in the BIOS, and didn't do a software RAID, the update shouldn't have broken the array.
C: drive is a separate solid state drive.
I always thought that D: and E: were one partitioned 2TB drive with RAID mirror in place to protect D: where all my main data is. As you can gather, I'm not all that technically savvy. I'll try and look out the detailed spec that accompanied the invoice to see what that says.
I set up the external HP backup drive N: to continuously backup C: and D: But of course I should have set it up to back up E: also...
To be clear here, a RAID1, aka mirror, needs two drives. So, if you had two 1 TB drives, Windows would see one 1 TB "drive".
So it looks like the separate E: drive has failed. I was hearing some odd regular clicking from inside the case earlier.
I'll see about taking it to a local PC shop to see if they can jump start and retrieve anything from it.
Thanks for chiming in guys, I appreciate it.