Hi there
It seems that these days external keyboards only come in BLACK with Silver letters on the keys.
I prefer the old WHITE / CREAM ones with BLACK letters on the keys. I've resuscitated two old keyboards with the PS2 round connector --fortunately I still have the PS2->USB connectors so the keyboards work. I've also got the USB==>USB wireless adapter so I can still use these WIRELESSLY (except for the USB-->to the wireless transmitter) but good enough so the keyboard is effectively a Wireless one.
I find the white keyboards much easier to use if I have to LOOK at the keys -- especially if I'm using different language keyboards.
Just a gripe - but I'm surprised all the external keyboards I see are always BLACK ones.
amount of coffee used in companies caused this goodie to fade away
a few on Amazon UK
And this is still one of my favorites.
Perixx PERIBOARD-512W, Ergonomic Split Keyboard - White - Natural Ergonomic Design - USB Interface - Recommended with Repetitive Stress Injuries RSI User - US English Layout: Amazon.co.uk: Computers Accessories
just a few?
Google results for White PC keyboard (shopping)
And to think that once, long time ago I painted my KB and case black and everybody was saying it's stupid and would never catch up.
Mac keyboards are white!
I'm like you and this is why I bought 3 white ones years ago . I'm on my second one with one left . I don't get it either as to why they stop the white ones
The show more dirt than black.