Very good article that explains allot on what you need to run win 10 Windows 10: What you need to run it | ZDNet it says it better then i could in a nut shell.
What version of windows are you using now ?
CPU Z isn't showing NX support - you probably need to tweak a setting in your BIOS - Execute Disable Bit?
I'm going to guess you are running Win 7, based on the appearance of the screenshot's window. If you were to try to install Win 8, you would probably get the same message.
Try to enable all CPU features in the bios, my friend have the same CPU and running Windows 8.1 just fine, don't know if he tried upgrading it to Windows 10 though.
I'm not sure why you have 2 threads open about your problem... But I answered you here: Windows 10 Is It BIOS Problem ?! - Windows 10 blog
All you should need now that your BIOS is updated is to enable it...
1)because i commented and no one replied my last comment
2)every thing is enabledWindows 8 didnt work for me after installing itAm using windows 7 SP 1
Please stick to one thread. It is too confusing for us to have two thread's for the same problem.
It will only delay getting you answer's.
We are all kinda busy but, we will get to you. Please understand my point of view.
sorry for that i will complete here !
Thank you very much.