I have sent the following questions to the Press Department of Samsung:
Why has Samsung been so slow at issuing a Windows 10 Update for its SSD Software (Magician/Migration Software)? Does Samsung not feel any responsibility in keeping its software up-to-date, and responsibility towards its customers of these SSD? Windows 10 test versions, and actual release, have been available for quite some time now, why has Samsung not responded with a new update to SSD software, since enough time has been available, especially for such a major electronic company? Does Samsung view SSD (and relevant software) sales, and customers of these, as trivial or unimportant in its overall business strategy and economic interests? If not, why then has the update response been so exceedingly slow? How much longer do you expect your customers will have to wait before you finally get around to issuing an update, if at all? Does Samsung, as a major electronic company, not feel any shame at such a lame response, and generally bad treatment, or snubbing of its customers? What is Samsungs official position on this?
If I get an answer I will post it here
Have you tried version 4.7 that was just released? I have not yet tried it as my Windows 10 system is down at the moment.
@xyz - This is always a problem with ALL manufacturers whenever a new iteration of an OS is released and/or even when things such as new interface standards or chipset appear on the market. This is perfectly normal and is definitely not unique to Samsung. In the meantime all anyone can ever do is find ways to workaround the issue until the manufacturer release updates that are proven to work. Sometimes a third-party software release resolves the issue. For older components new updates are often never released...
Patience grasshopper...Rome wasn't built in a day...
version 4.7 works on Windows 10 but does not enable rapid without major hacks.I believe the OP was concerned about migration software. No idea on that
I have an 850 EVO (500GB) that I'm using on Win 10. I don't have the Samsung Magician installed (never had it installed when this system was Win 8.1). Everything works well the way it is.
What doesn't work with the software? I have 4.6 running in Windows 10 for my 840 Evo. It even detected a firmware update and applied it for me. Seems to be running fine for me.
All I've gathered is that Rapid Mode doesn't work under Windows 10. Since, from my perspective, Rapid Mode is mere snake oil or (to be less controversial) offers me no perceivable benefit, it bothers me not in the least. I went ahead and updated from 4.6 to 4.7 - just because I could. No impact, I don't run it in startup, I only fire it up to check the benchmark out of curiosity or check if there's a firmware update.
I enabled Rapid Mode when I was running 8.1 and my benchmarks never changed. If that's all that doesn't work, I'd call it a non-issue for me.