Being a lefty, I reverse the buttons on my mouse, and use it on the left side of the keyboard. The mouse, BTW, is a wireless MS 3500 series. Intermittently upon boot up, the mouse responds to right handed commands, even though in Control Panel it is still set to my lefty config. The scroll wheel speed also reverts to a default fast (although in settings it's still set to where I have it). Changing the settings slightly, applying and rechecking shows it goes back to my preferences.
Acts as if upon boot it randomly is not loading mouse settings?
Wireless mouse drivers are indeed current.
Hi there. Is there a program called Microsoft Keyboard and Mouse installed? If so, you may want to check those settings.
Trying that program on my desktop (I am reporting the glitch on my laptop, the only system I am running Win 10 Pro), I did not like it at all; so no, I am not using the MS Keyboard and Mouse program. The laptop uses the Intellimouse software for the 3500.
I take it then you uninstalled the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center and installed IntelliPoint? I know 10 wants to install Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center, for I have a MS Arc mouse.
I did the upgrade from Win7 Pro to Win10 Pro without Mouse/Keyboard installed. Win10 did not appear to (or want to) install Mouse and Keyboard Center. And if so, I block any attempts at that. After I tried M/K Center on the desktop, I went to every effor to remove it, return Windows a the default mouse settings, then reinstalled the Intellipoint....
I take you have "Give me updates for other products" unchecked in Windows Update then?
Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center combined IntelliType with IntelliPoint.
Does your IntelliPoint version match your mouse? Here's an article on it. IntelliPoint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep. Software matches mouse. Box is also unchecked....
Hmm. The driver seems to be ok, but the only other thing I can think of is open Device Manager > Double click on the mouse > Driver tab > Automatically look for driver online.
This is a recent upgrade to RTM build 10240, yes? If so, I'd give it a few days to see if this works itself out. A PITA I know. If not, you may have to fresh install. Upgrades aren't known to be the best.
Not the current RTM version, but the newest Insider Preview; there may be issues with that, as I guess we can call it a beta. Version 10532 is presently running.