I apologise for posting this problem again, but seem to have exhausted options, so hoped by starting a new thread, may get some new ideas.
Installed Apps not showing in all apps menu.
resolved the same problem on my laptop, by running a script provided by Cliff S, but now it's happening on my PC.and the script does not help, also tried App Store troubleshooter. but no fault found.
i installed some small simple apps inc recuva, which appear in the C programs folder and I can create a shortcut and task bar icon, but it's not showing in all apps...
been doing some research and someone suggested the Windows installer could be at fault ran services and the installer was not running ( stopped) is this normal ?
started ok, but no option to set it to auto run
any help would really be appreciated
I had a reply from the MS community forum suggesting I setup a new profile. ( as my current one could be corrupted ) I did this and the apps that Iminstalled under my profile showed in the all apps menu ....so does this suggest I have a problem with corruption in my original profile ?
I am advised I can simply copy all the fils in the original profile folder to the new....or is there a different/better way ? Is it likely this will resolve a user profile corruption issue. or will I just copy the problem to the new profile ?
copied all the files possible from my original user profile to a new one ( had to be logged in to a third user profile to do this ) the programs I installed in the original profile are showing in the new one, but all the mods I did to my start menu and icons is obviously gone as this is linked to a DAT file....
would like to know where the corruption in my profile would likely be to have caused my problem with newly installed apps not showing in the all apps menu, if it is one of the DAT files I could maybe copy the others over and retain my start menu layout.
any help would really be appreciated
fsutil resource setautoreset true c:&fsutil usn deletejournal /d /n c:&Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup&&sfc /scannow&Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth&sfc /scannow&Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase&pause
and finished succesfuly
fairly convinced it was / is an issue with my user profile, I have now copied everything from my orig profile to a new one except the Three DAT files....have rebuilt the startup menu in the new profile as it was in my orig one, ALL programs appear in the program menu.....have copied my documents pictures music video folders to the new profile and all the desktop shortcuts I had.
the new profile now looks exactly the same as the original one. will test it for some time before deleting my original profile.
wish I knew what caused this issue.
would be good if there was a facility to back up the user profile and restore it if there were issues....Not sure if acronis true image will allow me to backup just the user folder and restore it if trouble happens again...
will create ate system restore points every time I turn the PC on on hopefully this may give me some protection.
but it really shouldn't happen.
if you can think of a way of repairing my user prifile other than the long procedure of duplicating it that would be great
I thought Imhad been successful, but this morning when I checked the new profile that I had reinstated all the pinned program items was empty...I logged off first as I am meant to...
this is is driving me nuts.
What I really need help with is duplicating an existing profile complete with pinned menu items etc to another profile.
I will search and see if there is a tutorial on this forum.
Starting to wonder if I have used up all my help quota, as not getting any replies recently.
Think I will mark this as solved as despite 93 views no one seems able or willing to help me. When I first joined this forum, the support was amazing and I actually helped others, which was very rewarding....
looks like I am on my own with this one....
I am having this issue after installing TH2 upgrade. If I find a reason for it or can fix it, I will let you know.
what is a TH2 upgrade ?