

While looking at usage in settings, TbService seems to be using a lot of bandwidth. Can anyone tell me what TbService is please?
Thank You

Is there a Tether folder in the Program Files directories? If there is, that would suggest a cellphone-related software.

While looking at usage in settings, TbService seems to be using a lot of bandwidth. Can anyone tell me what TbService is please?
Thank You
What is TBService.exe ? TBService.exe info

Many of the "What is this..." sites provide good references, but many also try to sell you something or get you to download their software.

Do NOT buy or download anything from any checkersite - use them as a reference only.

There are a few references to TBservice - it might help if you look at at Task Manager and add the Process Name and Command line columns to be certain what TBservice is running. Scroll down the list until you find TBservice - then determine where the exe lives. Using the information from Process Checker - you can tell what TBservice is running.

It's probably the MS tether service pyramid10 mentioned, but it's always better to be sure.

I'll go out on a limb and suggest that it is the Phone app ... I'm not sure if you need it or if it can be uninstalled with Right click / uninstall. You might have to use the powershell remove-appx cmdlet if you don't want or need the Phone app (if it is the phone app )

Thank you for your reply. It is not listed anywhere in task manager, or from the search box. I do not have a phone app, so it is not that. It has used just over 8gb already this month though!.

Thank you for your reply. It is not listed anywhere in task manager, or from the search box. I do not have a phone app, so it is not that. It has used just over 8gb already this month though!.
Ok, try it this way

Launch File Explorer, navigate to your C: drive and type TBservicein the search box.

Right click the file and select properties, press the Detail tab and post that window.

Please also post where the file is located in case the details window does not fully show the path - thanks.

Thank you for your help. I have now found that it relates to a no longer used back up, and have deleted it.

Thank you for your help. I have now found that it relates to a no longer used back up, and have deleted it.
Ok, glad you got it sorted.

When you get the chance please you mark your thread Solved - Thanks
