Hi there
Trying to restore an image on to a RAID 0 SSD from stand alone version.
After loading the RAID driver Macrium SEES all the HDD's and can select images etc.
However when TARGET destination is chosen No HDD's are seen. !!!
Anybody got any ideas on fixing this --otherwise this backup software becomes USELESS !!!!.
Macrium --latest version.
EDIT : Now fixed --see my following post in this thread.
Hi there
Update on this - Now FIXED
I had the Server edition Technicians License version and it was quite easy to fix !!! Grrrhhh !! I should have read the manual before posting !!!!
1) Add the drivers from the menu before booting the stand alone restore --screenshot shown.
2) Boot stand alone restore (since I'm restoring a Windows image).
3) Now all disks shown --
4) do restore -- I was restoring from a NON RAID 0 backup HDD to a RAID 0 SSD.
5) Now choose after you've done the restore --Deploy to different hardware --this works from the bootable USB media.
6) choose your W10 installation from the popup
7) prompts you for the location of the drivers you want to add to the W10 system you've restored - I had a separate file on the USB Macrium stick.
8) load them
9) now re-boot your system -- W10 restored from NON RAID HDD to RAID 0 SSD - worked perfectly --first time.
Glad you got it sorted Jimbo and thanks for sharing that.
Hi there.
Don't forget that if you have your driver as a.exe file you can extract the contents via 7-zip (free). Macrium wants classic "inf" type files.
It isn't exactly classic. It is how Windows exports and import drivers.. That is what a .inf is for.
What are you talking about? You want to share 7-zip or something?
Hi there
No -- I had the driver as a .exe file and needed to load it into my Windows recovery image -- the Macrium program couldn't recognize the .exe program as a driver (name on my system was cp024079.exe - HP Raid controller). I couldn't run the .exe file as I hadn't loaded windows -- all I had was Macrium (stand alone) and the windows image.
However the 7-zip program can extract all the components from the .exe file and so I was able to get Macrium to load the driver into the image file -- any other program with similar extraction functionality would have worked.
Nothing special about 7-zip other than it did the job for me -- when you use deploy to different hardware from macrium you need the driver and it won't load a .exe file. That was the point of the post as a lot of drivers are dished up these days as .exe files -- no good if you aren't on the windows system to execute them so any extraction program which decompresses the file is fine.