No hate posts please. The idea of Cortana is great. Especially from a nerdy "my computer is a lady and can talk to me" standpoint. I dig that. But realistically, I'm not going to make use of Cortana's awesomeness, and I know it. So, I want to stop Cortana from taking up my system resources if I can.
So far I have clicked the little setting "gear" symbol and turned off "Search Online" and "Cortana can give suggestions, alerts, etc.". Those were the only two options under settings. I'm fine with the search bar itself being on my task bar, so I haven't hidden it. Though I tried doing that to see if it made a difference. Still, when I check Task Manager Cortana is still listed using up memory.
Any ideas how to stop that?
Hello Sakuro,
See if turning off Cortana using both OPTION ONE and OPTION TWO in the tutorial below may help.
Cortana - Turn On or Off in Windows 10
Thank you for the response Brink. I have done both of those things. Cortana is still listed in Task Manager as using up memory.
In that case, restart the computer to see if it still is afterwards.
There was no change after restarting. Cortana still shows up in Task Manager under "Background Processes" and continues to use up resources despite all those things being off.
This would be for the search feature then since Cortana is used for search as well..
That makes some sense. But isn't 23+ MB a bit much for a search feature?
You would think it would be, but when comparing to other processes, it's not so much these days.
You can look into disabling Windows Search and Cortana, not sure if if its possible or if you would like the results. It's best to deal with the 23MB RAM usage. Mine's much higher and I've also disabled Cortana from the Cortana Search Settings.
So this appears to destabilize the OS in minor ways, but most likely in additionally messed up ways that won't be noticeable until you go to use a different feature down the line. Fun experiment anyway so...
Get Revo Uninstaller Pro trial
Navigate to C:windowssystemapps and look for the Cortana folder
Right click the Cortana folder and choose Uninstall with Revo Uninstaller.
When it finds leftover registry entries, select all and delete. Then reboot.
You may need to run that twice, but it washes it out of task manager and completely kills search/typing into the start menu.
Then you hide the Search bar and Win10 starts looking like a different beast.
I'm tweeting all my crazy Win10 adventures