
Identify OneNote version?

How do I identify my Microsoft OneNote's version?

If you click the hamburger menu (3 lines at top left) and new windows should slide out from the left

Select settings at the bottom, then from the settings page is an option named About, this will show the version

I have no hamburger menu as you describe.

Try clicking on filethen helpif you don't have the modern app version...

I am on the 365 version, so not sure if its the same

If you click on the File menu and then come down and select Account
Do you see something similar to this

Aha!File > Help did it! Thanks, paulsalter and halasz.

These options are always moving around

Glad you found it

These options are always moving around
I'm using Office 2010. I don't understand why, then, I see OneNote "upgrades" appearing, but the guts of the application don't seem to change. Is this because Office updates appear in the usual manner in Windows Updates but those of OneNote do not?

I intend to stick with Office 2010 as long as I can. I dislike the cloud notion of Office 365 and its subscription-based use. I prefer the "old" method of buying software.

And this was my 100th post!

I'm using Office 2010. I don't understand why, then, I see OneNote "upgrades" appearing, but the guts of the application don't seem to change. Is this because Office updates appear in the usual manner in Windows Updates but those of OneNote do not?
OneNote 2010 bugs you to "upgrade" to the free version which is part of Office 2016.

I tried installing it but it brings in lots and lots of the rest of Office 2016 (the "new" OneNote took more disk space than the whole of Office 2010) so I deleted it again.

OneNote 2010 updates come normal through Windows update so unless you prefer the layout of the new version I'd leave it.

The options for upgrades might be coming from the 'Get Office' app which comes pre installed with 10, unless you have deleted it

Office 365 can be local also, its just the subscription version of Office 2016, I use it with local and cloud files
There is also the Onenote app now, which is quite nice

If 2010 does what you need, no point in upgrading

Congrats on 100 posts

Identify OneNote version?