Downloaded and installed today. This is all that happens when it is opened. Network connection is OK. Ideas?
Hi how long have you had this problem for.
Where did you get the universal twitter app from
I also use twitter and got it from the Windows Store.
Just tested mine and works ok
You may need to completely uninstall it
Then go to windows store and reinstall Twitter
I got the new version of the app from the Windows Store yesterday. Before doing so I uninstalled the old version, which worked properly. I have uninstalled and re-installed the new version several times with no luck.
Thanks for any additional ideas you may have
See if you can download and install it from here
Then see once it works if it needs updating
Thanks, but there is no App that I could find at that site for desktop computers, which is what I am using. There are apps for mobile devices only.
Try this link
Twitter apps for smartphones, tablets and computers
Scroll down and you will see for PC or Desktop App
All for windows
Thanks, But when I try that using the Link to the desktop app I get this Your download email was sent.
"Remember, you must open the email from your mobile device to install Twitter directly on your phone."
Even though I am using the link for the Windows Desktop App. See if that happens for you.
No I get the Twitter App for Desktop
I get
Twitter is your window to the world
Real-time updates about what matters to you.
Get Twitter
If I click that Twitter would download and install
Sorry It is when I Click the "Get Twitter" button in the
Twitter is your window to the world
Real-time updates about what matters to you.
window is when I get
Your download email was sent.
"Remember, you must open the email from your mobile device to install Twitter directly on your phone."
Hi then sorry I am out of idea as every link I have given you works ok on my laptop
It has to be the way it is somehow set up your end or something you have installed different on yours to on mine