
Successful Application Reconfiguration

To whom it may concern.

Every day in the Reliability Monitor on my laptop I get a "Successful Application Reconfiguration" on the programs. Sometimes I get it twice a day. Please help.

What type of files do you take? I know you don't take XML files. Hope to hear from anyone soon. Thank you.

To whom it may concern.

Every day in the Reliability Monitor on my laptop I get a "Successful Application Reconfiguration" on the programs. Sometimes I get it twice a day. Please help.

What type of files do you take? I know you don't take XML files. Hope to hear from anyone soon. Thank you.
Most likely an app being updated or modified. Click on 'View technical details' to see if it jives.

Thanks for responding to me. I just thought it was weird.

I have the same problem. Every day the reliability monitor reports "Successful Application Reconfiguration" on all of my installed programs. This does not seem to be normal since it slows down the boot process. This appears to have started with the lates Windows 10 upgrade released by MS. I'm curious to know how many other users have the same problem and how to fix it.

That's what I was hoping on, bgerbig.

Sometimes I have to clear the logs because it is annoying. I hope that MS will find a fix very soon.

I really hope that MS will find a fix soon. Shucks, I hope MS will come up with a hotfix for the problem. Plain and simple.

Does anyone else on here have the same problem?

I have been using win 10 for a year now on multiple device and have never seen this

Is it an HP system? I'll lay 10-1 it is, it was driving me nuts too.
If it is you need to uninstall the HP support assistant program and the HP support framework program. They are useless!! Manually update and keep an eye on new drivers on their support page under support/drivers. Better to do this maintenance manually, HP is months behind driver updates, especially with Intel drivers.

Let me know how it goes

To whom it may concern.

Every day in the Reliability Monitor on my laptop I get a "Successful Application Reconfiguration" on the programs. Sometimes I get it twice a day. Please help.

What type of files do you take? I know you don't take XML files. Hope to hear from anyone soon. Thank you.

Is it an HP system? I'll lay 10-1 it is, it was driving me nuts too.
If it is you need to uninstall the HP support assistant program and the HP support framework program. They are useless!! Manually update and keep an eye on new drivers on their support page under support/drivers. Better to do this maintenance manually, HP is months behind driver updates, especially with Intel drivers.

Let me know how it goes
Yes, it is an HP system @AnEdge.

I guess what I wanted to add on here was when I added Adblock Plus for I.E. on my laptop. I noticed tons of "Successful Application Reconfigurations." I will uninstall the HP Support Assistant Program and the HP Support Framework Program. Thank you for the suggestions.

Successful Application Reconfiguration