
Forced Update Notification, locks up system until clicked.

This has been happening for the last week. I need to know which update it rode in on so I can remove it. It is very irritating just like the Windows 8 to 8.1 forced update notification.

I have my system set to only notify me about updates, at which time I use the Update Hider diagcab to hide unwanted updates. But this is a new twist, now I am still forced to do updates from this obnoxious notification.

How would I shut this off, I disabled the Forced Windows 8 to 8.1 update notification through Group Policy Editor, would I remove this one the same way?

When it pops up, and it will pop up in the middle of my work, I can't DO anything except to click on it. This is mostly why I stick to Windows 7 because of cack like this.

Boink - Has anyone found a way around this?

Just checking again, has anyone found a way to shut this off? In GPedit maybe?

I have never seen it, ever. Is it really a Windows generated message? Or maybe another program that's generating it through the notifications area?

Its definitely Windows. But there is no way to really see what process is running because the entire system is locked out except for pressing "OK". Do you have your Updates set for "Notify Only?" If not, you might not see it.

It does not force me to install the updates, but it is extremely irritating. Especially since I have to jump on this computer to do something and I need to get in FAST. Windows 8 never did anyting like this to me. It's a 100% Invasive Notification.

Maybe it is a setting under "Notifications"? I'll check there.

Yes, I had "Show Notifications on Lock Screen" and this sounds like what it's doing, except I have my Lockscreen shut off, so it shows in my main GUI.

I'll keep monitoring this,. and if it has stopped I'll change the status of this post to "solved"

I don't have Defer updates checked if that's what you mean? I have show notifications on lock screen enabled but I auto logon this PC. I only ever see the lock screen if I manually lock this PC.

I think it was Notifications on Lockscreen that was doing it. Because this was a full screen notification, the areas around the notification I posted were all greyed out, I just trimmed it down after I made the screenshot.

It's been 2 days and no notification yet, I'll keep this marked as unsolved for a couple more days. If I get no more of these obnoxious notifications, then that was the cause.

(Edit) I;m not using "Defer Updates", I used Group Policy Editor to show only notifications of updates and not allow any installs of them at all, unless I check for Windows Updates from Settings. Usually after a week, I get a dozen or so notifications in there, but until then, they are prevented from going in and all I am supposed to get is a notification in my tray. A regular notification is fine, I just don't want or need that full screen Lockout!

Notifications on Lockscreen seems to be what was doing it. I actually did have Defer Updates checked. I turned on Insider Builds and the latest build showed up, but it did not give me the full screen notification. So that seemed to be the cause. There were some people in the Windows 10 Reddit sub asking this, I'll pass it on to them. Marking it Solved.

Forced Update Notification, locks up system until clicked.