
update 0x80070005 - problem fixed!

I can't update any apps or install new ones as well. I tried my fixes posted online and no fix. I tried the wsreset.exe and rebooted, nothing. Changed permissions for packages in my local app data folder, nothing.

I can't even install Windows updates as well.

Here is the thing, when I clean installed windows 10, I right away used my Microsoft account, and logged in. Apparently they truncate your email to 4 letters to use as your username on the pc. This pissed me off, so I decided to create another user on my PC and give him administration access, but I did it as a local account.

I signed of my Microsoft account and logged in to the new local one (when you create local account it keeps the name you actually put as the user folder name) then I proceeded to delete my account with my Microsoft account attached of my PC.

Now with my new one I decided to link it to my microsoft account instead of leaving it local, and from here I think the whole problem began.

Anyone have similar story? Maybe a fix, I don't want to reinstall windows 10 again

I updated windows this morning for some patches. then i have received this err message:
"We're having trouble restarting to finish the install. Try again in a little while. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (0x80070005)"
at the moment, i have tried few suggestions from the websites. but no go. i cannot re-start my windows 10 anymore. Please help Microsoft!

The only thing that fixed my problem was reinstalling windows again, and I keep making restore points in case.

i have too many apps in my windows 10, re-install windows seams a quiet big task to do for this err. it got to be a way to fix it. back in windows 7 time, Microsoft provided a tool which automatically detect the faults and fix it. where is the tool for windows 10 now?

i have too many apps in my windows 10, re-install windows seams a quiet big task to do for this err. it got to be a way to fix it. back in windows 7 time, Microsoft provided a tool which automatically detect the faults and fix it. where is the tool for windows 10 now?
Have your tried command prompt as administrator and type sfc /scannow

The will check your pc for problems and try to fix it.

I also had a lot of applications installed but I couldn't a solution to fix it. I decided just to do it, I couldn't wait. Good luck.

the scan did not find anything wrong. so i am run out of ideas. hopefully Microsoft can come with something like windows 7's 'fix it' tool to address the problems. so at this moment, i cannot restart my pc ( if i try to do it, the err msg will come up), but i can shut it down, then boot up again. Anyone else has this issue? how can i do like in windows 7, to see the update history, then uninstall some bad update?

by the way, how do you make restore points? my win10 is from win7 upgrade, and i had deleted all win7 files. so looks like there is no way i can restore from windows 10? i looked at the recovery option, but it says to lose all my apps? can you recovery from a previous update point?

update: Problem fixed ( the update err: 0x80070005 ). This update err either cause your PC keep rebooting or refuse to restart. At the point, do NOT try to check update or use any tools from some website. instead, go to the setting, then choose 'advanced start up'. clieck 'restart now'. follow the instruction and make sure to select 'keep your setting and files' optionn..... at the last option, to choose restore to previous entry point. the system will show you the last 'working reentry point' . select the entry point, then all the way follow the instruction ( note, you may have to re-input your Microsoft password). it take about few minutes, the system is back to live!

After that 'close all your application', then try to do update again. it works this time. no more err. the above procedure is very similar like windows 8. but i found the windows 10 is more intelligent. I really like it! keep enjoying the new system!

update 0x80070005 - problem fixed!