
What do I do to get rid of these updates

I freshly installed a Windows 10 Enterprise OS in my desktop and am having problems with the Intel MEI and NVIDIA Graphics Card driver that are available from Windows Updates. Here are the things that I did (in chronological order):

1.) Install Windows 10 Enterprise fresh.

2.) It started downloading missing Windows Updates (including the Intel MEI and NVIDIA Graphics Card driver themselves) and a couple of other Windows updates like security updates and normal OS updates.

3.) While those updates are downloading, I disabled automatic installation of Windows drivers (nobody wants that feature anyways) as I want to install the latest drivers that I got from the manufacturer's website.

4.) While those updates are still downloading, I installed the updated Intel MEI and NVIDIA Graphics Card drivers and had to reboot the machine in between.

5.) When the updates finally finished downloading, the security updates and normal OS updates installed just fine (which I expected) but I really didn't know if those Intel MEI and NVIDIA drivers will "overwrite" the latest drivers that are already installed. Interestingly enough, the Windows Updates service did not overwrite the existing latest drivers but instead gave me a "failed to install" message on those drivers. It also gave me a "can't installed update. select this message to fix" error message in the lower-right hand corner of the screen. I then tried to reinstall the updates (clicking "retry now" and "install now" along the way) hoping that the OS will recognize that the latest drivers are already installed and it won't bug me again with those updates (this is usually the case in Windows 8.1 and below OS'es) but apparently it kept on insisting that these updates are available and needs to be installed. They still keep failing to install until now.

6.) I tried clearing the SoftwareDistribution folder and checking for updates again and the same things happens.

7.) I tried using wushowhide.diagcab to hide these udpates but the tool doesn't detect these updates as available updates for the system

So I'm really at a loss here. What do I do to get rid of these?P

Please help. Thanks.

Anybody please?

Use IE and download all patches manual from

I wouldn't want to do that because these are unnecessary drivers that are already installed. Any other advice?

6.) I tried clearing the SoftwareDistribution folder and checking for updates again and the same things happens.
Have you also stopped windows update services before cleaning up the folder?

net stop bits
net stop cryptSvc
net stop msiserver
net stop UsoSvc
taskkill /im TiWorker.exe /f
net stop wuauserv
rmdir "%systemroot%SoftwareDistributionDownload" /s /q

Also try running windows cleanup tool afterwards:

cleanmgr /sageset:65535 & cleanmgr /sagerun:65535

You could try those 2 as well (ResetBase slash will preevent you from uninstalling latest updates):

Dism /online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

What do I do to get rid of these updates