ok so i had a laptop that i went to boot up and it showed the lenovo logo, then went to a white screen its the first time i have ever seen this issue. Has anyone else come across this bug and have any advise on how to fix it. im trying to fix this without having to do a reinstall if possible any ideas. thank you
Could be the display driver, have you recently updated this driver ? Do you have a Windows 10 Disc made ? Can you provide exact model number of Lenovo.
yes for both questions all drivers are updated and i have a win 10 media installation usb drive
lenovo 9575
You never get to the login screen, correct ? Do you know if this has a UEFI BIOS ? Going to look at the model for you.
One option can try is...Unplug the power cord from my laptop and take out the battery.Then press and hold the power button for approximately 30 seconds.Then insert the battery and plug in the ac power.Turn on the Laptop.
If have UEFI BIOS can use USB Media of Win 10 and boot to the Advanced boot options and select Safe Mode see if it works there. Advanced Startup Options - Boot to in Windows 10
Safe mode
Safe Mode - Start Windows 10 in
Has to be more numbers to that model number, do not see it at Lenovo. Thinkpad ?
Happen to have another monitor to hook to this to test ? Seems that backlit light is working but may not be receiving a signal from the display adapter.
oh ok see its kinda difficult right now to get the modle number cause its at my moms in rochester ny my mom has been using it. i have the install media but it wont do her any good if she has the laptop lol. thats why i was wondering if there was a way with out using the media and i wont see her for a few months and im trying to walk her through it
If possible, your mother needs to join windowssh blog so jds63 can communicate directly with her.
However, if this is the only computer she has, then she can't.
Also, maybe you could snail mail the Flash Drive to her and then walk her through reinstallation?
If you purposely fail the boot three times, it should automatically go into the Advanced Options and you can try to have it repair itself (if that will do it). Ask her to start the boot up, then press and hold the power button until it shuts down...do this three times in a row and then the next boot will go straight into Advanced Options.
Should of been mentioned before you had no access to this Laptop. Looking through Lenovo i had difficulty from the model number you gave me as i just wanted to look at some of the specs and info on this model that could help me better understand what i am dealing with.
This can be display adapter itself, the display adapter drivers or even the monitor attached itself, but can not be sure till you try safe mode, possibly hooking up another monitor to it and even going back on a system restore point. Last resort may well be a reset of the OS.