Hi everyone.
After the latest update Microsoft have finally allowed different coloured title bars, however, inactive (out of focus) windows now automatically revert to a white title bar colour. I've been searching everywhere and found no way of changing this. Adjusting the registry values under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors seem to have no impact on the inactive window colours.
Anyone got any ideas?
Aerolite Theme - Install in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
I had a look at aerolite, however this seems to make a couple of unattractive changes to icons and window borders in general. Doesn't seem like a worthy trade off for the time being.
There are other Windows 10 themes available that don't have the border. Go to Browsing Windows Utilities on DeviantArt and search for themes that say Windows 10. Avoid the ones by user cu88 and its up to you if you want to use uxpatcher. I have done in the patch with no issue.
Thanks Swarfega but I don't really want to install a third party theme just for the minor annoyance. It just seems a bit pointless that they would add the option of a coloured title bar and yet have the inactive ones look exactly like what annoyed users in the first place, when the chances are you will have more inactive than active windows.
In the Windows Registry, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsDWM
in the right pane , create a new DWORD (32-bit Value)and name it AccentColorInactive
either copy the color from 'AccentColor' or enter your desired color in hexadecimal format.
Close the Windows Registry, interact with any new open window to see the immediate effects.
(If you have windows with borders, such as with 'AeroLite' Theme, the borders will dim, text may dim and buttons will loose their color and opacity but the title bar color itself will remain undimmed.)
What annoyed users in the first place was that you couldn't easily tell the difference between an active and inactive titlebar, not the color itself. They have corrected that problem, albeit with the bare minimum change.
Edwin you are a god amongst men! Thank you very much sir, worked like a charm!
OOOOOOHHH!! Godwin instead of Edwin That's a good old fashioned English name!